Trying to filter out a Tag...

Submitted by viking on 2023/07/26 04:03

Sorry, but my head is still spinning on the filtering issue...

How do I filter out the item with the lone CA3 Tag in the following Grid (I have set the source filter to Filter Items and Sub-Items):


I had expected it to be filtered out...?


Read the doc and start with a flat list!

hint: It may not be possible to filter out #CA3 because the TLI has #CA2 and PP_All doesn't. It is a complex issue to solve and one that will not be addressed anytime soon. Perhaps applying a column filter can do the trick for you. If it doesn't, as I've said before, why bother, live with it and move on.

hint2: If you want to see #CA2, why not set the source to... #CA2 (and avoid Normal view, favor Flat list or Tree view)

How do I ?