Woes continue

Submitted by WayneK on 2023/08/20 16:17

Just updated from 122g to 122q hoping it would resolve some of my ongoing problems working with InfoQube but othing seems better.

Current issue:

1) Copy website text, (ctrl-c)

2) Paste text in IQ (ctrl-v)

3) Instead of pasting the text, I get a dialogue asking me to select HTML format or plain text.

4) After that, I get the main paste dialogue if the text is more than one paragraph.

5) There is usually a 5-10 second delay before the first dialogue appears and another 5-10 second delay waiting for the 2nd dialogue.  What should be a two second operation is now taking 15-20 seconds. 

All my old issues are still there, too.  At least 5 lock ups a day, especially when dragging links into IQ.  Selection hangs up and I can't enter text at all until I select another item, then return to the first. Typing off the bottom of the page because it won't refresh the screen.  I haven't been able to repair my database for months.

I think the start of all this was when I consolidated 6+ databases into one.  I've had constant problems since then.

Maybe I should start over with a brand new file just to see how it behaves.  I've been reluctant to do that because it's so time-consuming to consolidate files later.

At this point, I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.  Any suggestions for a different approach to try would be appreciated.



Thanks for the offer Pierre but I don't see how that would help because the problems are constantly cycling and are not reproducible.  They disappear for hours or days then re-appear for hours or days. 

Since I can't reproduce the problems on demand, you'd have to spend a very extended period working on my computer to see how it cycles.  Obviously, that's not reasonable.

The pasting problem that went on for several days has now cleared up and copy/paste is working fine now. 

I'm going to buy a new keyboard to see if that helps.  Will also start a new, empty file to see if the problems re-occur there.  If they don't, maybe I could gradually copy over items from my corrupted database.  I've also been shutting down various processes to see if there's some interference going on.

I was just looking for general suggestions for other troubleshooting approaches to try. 



I just ran rebuild successfully. 

Should I run repair, too?

I guess I'll use the rebuild version to see if it resolves the problems.  If it does, should I rename it to replace the current corrupted file?

Thanks, Wayne


The rebuilt file isn't working.  It either locks up completely or is extremely sluggish.  I rebooted the computer and loaded the rebuilt file 5 times, with the same result. 

Update: I started over again with a new rebuild.  This time I ran repair as soon as I opened the file.  It actually finished this time, the first time in at least a year.  I don't know if it's going to fix anything but it's certainly encouraging.  I'll report back later.

I was finally able to copy the properties info for the rebuilt file (I deleted irrelevant personal info).

Rebuilt file properties [this is 1st rebuild that kept locking up]

Name: xxx   Size: 85.28 MB
Path: D:\

214,559 items
3 Events
351,170 Text values
5,931 Number values
4,734 Date values
9,937 Yes/No values
217,884 Parent-Child Links
4 Related Items Links
84 Tags
606 Item Tags
282 Fields
113 Grids
12 Forms

2nd Rebuilt file properties [this one is working so far]

Name: xxx   Size: 98.90 MB
Path: D:

214,560 items
3 Events
351,158 Text values
5,931 Number values
4,734 Date values
9,949 Yes/No values
217,869 Parent-Child Links
4 Related Items Links
84 Tags
606 Item Tags
282 Fields
113 Grids
12 Forms


The original file is loading fine, and not locking up.

Original file properties =

Name: xxx   Size: 99.00 MB
Path: E:

214,560 items
3 Events
351,158 Text values
5,931 Number values
4,734 Date values
9,949 Yes/No values
217,869 Parent-Child Links
4 Related Items Links
84 Tags
606 Item Tags
282 Fields
113 Grids
12 Forms




Update: rebuilding the database didn't resolve any of the other problems.  All the same issues are cycling in and out with new ones being added every few days.

I sent you the masked database a number of months ago.  At that time, I think we were focused on the corrupted database.  You can use that database if there's something else you can try.  Or i I can resend it if you need it.


Hi Wayne,

I don't keep user files, so whenever possible, send it again.

w.r.t. your original post, step 3 shows because there are 2 formats on the clipboard (plain text and HTML). Use Paste as plain text instead (you can assign Ctrl+V to that command if you mostly paste as text

The more serious issue is the 5-10 sec delay. I'll be able to see the cause with your file. 


I'm sending you a masked file by email to see if you can figure out the buffering delays.  Repairing the database did not solve my ongoing problems.  I think that maybe the root of many of them is buffering. 

This morning it was buffering 10+ seconds every time I split an item.  Since it was reproducible, I tried to find a process that might be interfering.  I closed out dozens of processes one at a time and re-tested after each one but nothing helped the buffering. 

I've also tried rebuilding the database, and rebooting and running InfoQube with no other programs open.

Like all my problems, it comes and goes.



Win 10, InfoQube v1.124.0

64 bit - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700KF CPU @ 3.60GHz   3.60 GHz - 16 GB RAM



Hi Wayne,

Thanks for sending your file. I was able to reproduce the issue. In the next version:

  • Fixed: Grid: If a grid showed a large number of items (>2000), operations such as move, drag-drop, split etc. could take 10 seconds or more

p.s. It is a good habit to keep a much smaller number of items shown at any one time in your grids (your grid had 5000 items). IQ provides many tools to do this (source filter, alpha and date filter toolbars, hoist filter, etc)

IQ Designer

Thanks, Pierre.  That gives me something to work with.

Does the 2000 item limit include subitems that are collapsed out of sight below their parents?



Update: I'm going to answer "no" to my own question.  I collapsed all the headers in the grid, and things seem to be back to normal.  If that doesn't hold up I'll look at using filters etc.


Indeed, it seems to be related to the number of visible items above the current item. 2000 is not a limit, just an estimate of when it starts to have a significant impact. The next version (which includes a hack to avoid this issue) should be out tomorrow

How do I ?