InfoQube v1.124.6 is now available. Now with a Dark Mode !!

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2023/12/27 19:38

Hi IQ Users !

Version v123 brought over 60 new features and bug fixes. Most significant was the addition of the NavBar!

Version v124 improves the NavBar and implement a true Dark Mode. 😯👌👍
IQ has many views and dialogs. Obviously, converting each and every one to support the new Dark mode will take some time.
Expect improvements with each release.

Currently, the following UI are optimized:

  1. Main menus, toolbars and the new NavBar
  2. Docking panes
  3. Grids
  4. IQ Calendar
  5. 2-D Surface
  6. Card View
  7. Live-Search
  8. Home Pages
  9. Document pane
  10. Item Editor
  11. Properties pane
  12. Tags pane

In v1.124.6:

  1. New: Dark Mode. Details here
  2. New: Dark mode: Added named colors for dark mode. Using named colors lets you customize how colors are applied when using the Dark mode
  3. New: NavBar: All Grids can now show tree view and flat view
  4. New: NavBar: Tags can now show tree view and flat view
  5. New: Improve grid favorites (drag-drop in NavBar and Manage grids)
  6. New: Surface View: Support for Dark Mode
  7. New: Card View: Support for Dark Mode
  8. New: Calendar: Edit > Select All
  9. New: Doc Pane: Folder View: Commands to select view type (Titles, Icons, List, Details)
  10. New: Doc pane / Item Editor: Alt+Up/Down moves block up/down: Works for a single block and so so (i.e. buggy)
  11. New: Item Editor: Support for Dark Mode
  12. Fixed: Dark mode: Tab colors were not shown
  13. Fixed: Grid: Auto-Search did not work when the Doc pane was shown
  14. Fixed: Grid: If a grid showed a large number of items, operations such as move, drag-drop, split etc. could take 10 seconds or more
  15. Fixed: Grid: When showing a box around the tree column, the cell back color was not shown
  16. Fixed: Grid: Document mode: Now compatible with Dark Mode
  17. Fixed: Grid: CR were removed after editing (WYSIWYG editor)
  18. Fixed: Hyperlinks formatting was no longer applied
  19. Fixed: Dashboard splitter color incorrect after change theme
  20. Fixed: Calendar: Copy event text could contain extra bold tags (if bold events was set in Tools>Options)
  21. Fixed: Calendar: Right-click>Edit opened only one event dialog, even if more than one event was selected
  22. Fixed: Calendar: Date shown in the top date selector did not always match display
  23. Fixed: Calendar: Left pane: Google entry was sometimes shown even if not connected to any account
  24. Fixed: Card View: Moving multiple cards using drag-drop only moved one of the cards, not all those selected
  25. Fixed: Live-Search: In Dark mode term highlight was not readable
  26. Fixed: NavBar: click on a tag always opened the scratch grid, even if a grid has this as its source
  27. Fixed: Add Todo/Reminder dialog: Duration is no longer set to 1 hour by default
  28. Fixed: Google Task sync did not always work

Pre-release versions are exclusive to Donators and Patrons. Direct download links have been sent to eligible users. Contact us if you haven't received yours.
Financial support is essential to help us create the best information management tool!
Others can download the released versions, v1.124.5, here


IQ Designer

Winter Holidays are here... why not feel generous and Contribute to InfoQube Dev, for as little as $3.50 per month 🎁



I updated to 124 Pre1.

I lost all  grid lines.

I checked and the menu is set to show grid lines but no lines.



Had to reset and go back to tools option and got grid lines back.

Now the font scaling seems too big. I scaled down several grids but it seems it does not always 'stick' and the grid shows scaled up.


Update 02

I can't seem to control the scaling. 

Dropped back to last version 123.


Oh dear. I opened my DB just now with PRE2 and the fonts are all over the place and I can't seem to get them to stick.

I thought it was a scaling thing but it seems IQ is setting fonts size seemingly at random - from 10 to 11.3 at the moment.

Also I getting narrow fonts instead of regular. The only thing that looks ok is when I have bold set.


There seems to be some correlation between grid lines and fonts (don't ask me why) but when I changed the grid lines to dotted the fonts seemed to be reset and looked like there were before PRE2. More later as I work with this.


A side effect of the work on dark mode certainly. To get the correct font, set it in Tools > Options > General > Grid > Grid font size

I'll fix the grid specific font setting in the next release

Thanks for your patience (dark mode will be a nice addition, so well worth the transition hurdles)

Hi IQ Users!

The IQ Dev team wishes all an excellent new year. 2024 will be the year that IQ makes it to main stream. May the force be with you. 😊👍

In v1.124.0Pre3, reported display bugs were fixed along with:

  1. Fixed: Calendar: Date shown in the top date selector did not always match display
  2. Fixed: Google Task sync did not always work


IQ Designer

Thanks, Pierre!

Here's wishing you well for all your endeavours for 2024!

Thank you for that excellent Dark Mode, I've already switched to it full time. Found a little glitch: In 'Manage Grids', selecting a non-standard grid background colour produces erratic results (very different colours from the ones selected).


In v1.124.0Pre4:

  1. New: NavBar: All Grids can now show tree view and flat view
  2. New: NavBar: Tags can now show tree view and flat view

Available as a patch for now. Packages will be updated tomorrow

1. Toggling Dark mode off and then back on in Options will also make the problem go away.

2. The "Overwrite high DPI ..." (not sure as my Windows is in German) checkmark on the properties dialog for InfoQube.exe is off / unchecked, so no system enhanced scaling.

Hope this helps to figure it out. It's currently still occurring on 1.124.0.

It just fixed itself - I only had to change the colour setting for one of the tabs. When I confirmed the dialog, everything was back to normal again.

Hi IQ Users!

v1.124.0.Pre5 is now available for download:

  1. New: Calendar: Edit > Select All
  2. Fixed: Calendar: Left pane: Google entry was sometimes shown even if not connected to any account



Hi IQ Users!

v1.124.0.Pre6 is now available for download. Many Dark Mode improvements including:

  • New: Item Editor: Support for Dark Mode

We're getting close to the v1.124.0 official release. v1.125 will most likely focus on providing 2-way sync with Obsidian, as an alternative for Evernote sync (in part due EN free plan new limits -- only 50 notes!)


IQ Designer

    Hi IQ Users!

    v1.124.0 is now available to all users.

    v1.125 will most likely focus on providing 2-way sync with Obsidian, as an alternative for Evernote sync (in part due EN free plan new limits -- only 50 notes!)


    IQ Designer

    IMHO I’d rather iq native abilities be improved and offer what ligseq and others don’t offer as well … ex I’d like to see multiple calander views with own filters or images/ in the surface view/card views…surface is there but I think it needs more to really be useful…and the mini kinks like no tags in the form popout or no html editor in the form popout… etc… I  enjoy iq butt I’m also many times frustrated that I think it’s going to work for a project only to find the feature isn’t really really there

    I haven't really used either one extensively as I'm currently still fighting the - seemingly eternal - battle of making Emacs Org mode work for me.

    From what I've gathered, however, Obsidan's only has mediocre plugin-driven outlining capabilities while Logseq is a native outliner. Also, Logseq is free and open source. The downside is that the Logseq Android app requires an apk download and is probably inferior to Obsidian's. Apparently, it also supports properties.

    Sadly, neither flavour comes with a portable installation option...

    The option "Show a box around the tree column for selected items" is useless now with dark mode. Box colour would have to be adjusted accordingly. Thanks!

    For me, with dark mode, highlighting of the selected event in the calendar also isn't ideal (calendar events have a light gray background and the surrounding box on the focused event is cyan - a very low difference in contrast).

    So I could, thanks. Also, the tab color setting doesn't seem to have an affect on the actual tab on the tab bar (active is black, the rest is grey for me). The color is only applied to the header line above the grid. Is this intentional?

    I think it would be advisable to invert the selection colors in dark mode.
    The color of the currently selected item should be several shades lighter than the color of the previously selected item.
    Currently it's the other way around, which only makes sense in light mode.

    Also, the tab color setting doesn't seem to have an affect on the actual tab on the tab bar (active is black, the rest is grey for me). The color is only applied to the header line above the grid. Is this intentional?

    It is indeed quite a complicated issue. I'll see if I can implement tab colors while still having a decent Dark Mode 

    Hi IQ Users!

    v1.124.1 is now available to all users:

    1. New: Improve grid favorites (drag-drop in NavBar and Manage grids)
    2. New: Surface View: Support for Dark Mode
    3. Fixed: Dark mode: Tab colors were not shown
    4. Fixed: Grid: Auto-Search did not work when the Doc pane was shown
    5. Fixed: Dashboard splitter color incorrect after change theme
    6. Fixed: Hyperlinks formatting was no longer applied
    7. Fixed: Live-Search: In Dark mode term highlight was not readable
    8. Fixed: NavBar: click on a tag always opened the scratch grid, even if a grid has this as its source


    IQ Designer

    Thanks for fixing the download. With this, tab colors are back (thanks!) but calendar event text color has switched from white to black on darkish grey so it's not very readable. Cheers

    Hi. Adding some screenshots. I think the low cursor contrast is just a by-product of the changed background color resulting from the latest patch (lighter background in image with text). Could this be affected by Option settings? (e. g. having 'highlight row header' on has been causing issues for me before).

    Hm, installed this and the grid background is still much brighter than two versions before plus now the Calendar pane is completely white, not showing anything.

    I do have values set for background colors for odd and even lines - maybe those are having an adverse effect?

    Will have to revert to previous version...

    1. Fresh portable IQ (in a new folder)
    2. Open Welcome to IQ
    3. Set Tools > Options > Grid > Dark Mode back color to pitch black (&H000000)
    4. Toggle to Dark Mode
    5. Screenshot:


    Hi Left,

    The main issue with your colors was that option 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 need to be for light mode, so select white or light grey. When over the setting, click the Delete key and IQ will prompt you to replace with the default value (this works for all color settings)

    I'll make this clearer in a future version

    How best would I go about nailing the offensive setting?

    You must determine if the colors come from your file or your settings.

    1. If you open your file in the new portable folder, how are the colors?
    2. If it is the program settings, you could reset all colors or simply use the IQ in the new portable folder
    3. If the issue is with your file, check the background color for each grid, each should be set to white (&H00FFFFFF)

    Since updating to 124.3, the IQ Calendar doesn't work by me: I click the icon repeatedly but nothing happens. (Please note that I do NOT use dark mode.)

    I had this problem both after using the Installer and after using the portable version.

    Only after I reverted back to 124.2 did the calendar come back (it works perfectly now).


    v1.124.4 is now online which fixes the Calendar not opening

    for the record, I was working on a fix for the scrolling over a year change and it was only partly working. I'll re-enable it when it is rock solid!

    I think that the wrong installer file was uploaded to the download area; the date of Setup.exe there is 1/24, not 1/25, and indeed the calendar problem persists when I used this file. However, when I copied Infoqube.exe from the portable version (dated 1/25) to my computer, this solved the problem.


    Hi IQ Users!

    v1.124.6 is now online.:

    1. New: Card View: Support for Dark Mode
    2. New: Doc pane / Item Editor: Alt+Up/Down moves block up/down: Works for a single block and so so (i.e. buggy)
    3. New: Doc Pane: Folder View: Commands to select view type (Titles, Icons, List, Details)
    4. Fixed: Grid: CR were removed after editing (WYSIWYG editor)
    5. Fixed: Grid: When showing a box around the tree column, the cell back color was not shown
    6. Fixed: Grid: Document mode: Now compatible with Dark Mode
    7. Fixed: Grid: Auto-Search did not work when the Doc pane was shown
    8. Fixed: Grid: If a grid showed a large number of items, operations such as move, drag-drop, split etc. could take 10 seconds or more
    9. Fixed: Calendar: Copy event text could contain extra bold tags (if bold events was set in Tools>Options)
    10. Fixed: Calendar: Right-click>Edit opened only one event dialog, even if more than one event was selected
    11. Fixed: Add Todo/Reminder dialog: Duration is no longer set to 1 hour by default

    p.s. This should be the last of the v1.124 series. Onto v1.125 which will be focused on Obsidian Sync!

