easiest method for voice recording -> transcription -> import to IQ

Submitted by jimspoon on 2024/02/10 23:26

In the past I've had a reasonably easy method to make a quick voice recording and get it transcribed and into IQ -

(1) Android home screen shortcut opens up Gmail compose screen with "To:" field already filled in to send to my Infoqube emailtoiq Gmail address.

(2) In the Subject: field, enter a text abbreviation that Texpand app expands to a date/time stamp.

(3) Tap microphone icon in Gboard and start dictating - voice is transcribed and text goes into Subject field after the date/time stamp - this way the dictated text goes into the IQ Item field, not the Doc Pane.

(4) Tap send.

(5) EmailtoIQ imports the email, creates items, and populates the fields according to its rules.

Unfortunately the home screen shortcut I made to open to the Gmail compose screen no longer works, and I have not found another app that will make a shortcut that works.

I've thought of other methods to accomplish the same result but haven't hit on anything satisfactory yet.  Thinking of other avenues like Google Keep, Google Recorder and the related recorder.google.com, Google Sheets, etc.

So if anyone of you has found a good way to do this, I'd love to hear about it.



"Email myself" - that's an idea - I never thought of using my EmailtoIQ address to be the Sender as well as the Recipient.  I'd have to add the EmailtoIQ account to my phone, but that's not a problem.  Will definitely look into that, thanks!

Actually it is even simpler than this. Boomerang sends the message. There is even an option to close the Boomerang app after sending the note.

And the UI is simplistic: text box and large send button:


How do I ?