Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/04/22 14:36
Rel 10 4/12/09
db opens
all items present
most grids ok
2 grids ng:  appointments which works off ApptDate & Emails
both report source error which hasn't changed
** can't open field property tree or any form tree
Tried the following:
closed / re-opened properties pane
closed / re-opened IQ program
ran repair / compact on db
reset computer


Please provide screenshot of the top part of the IQ window showing any filtering toolbars, and the source bar (alt-S).

was able to open a backup file
still not able to open the original
attached file as per your request
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/04/22 15:21

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

A few things to try here:
  1. If you open the Journal grid, do you see the recently added items?
  2. If you change the source of the problematic grid and remove all filters, do you still get an error message?
  3. If you create a new grid and call it ApptDate, do you get an error? do you see you appt items?
In the many years of using IQ, I've never had or hear of a file that was corrupted and that the repair function did not fix it... so we should be able to find the problem.

Is this issue resolved?
From an email conversation, I believe that it was due to an improperly defined "smart field"
The display method is being reworked to avoid this situation, where an improperly defined field prevents the display of items.


2009/04/23 12:43

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Yes & no. Yes, the smart field was not defined correctly but I'm still a bit in the dark about what I wanted to do in the first place but I'll play around a little more to see if I can achieve my goal.
However, there is no doubt that whatever I did locked up IQ which is probably a problem somewhere just like the shortcuts that stop working every once in a while.
FYI, I tried all the things you listed to no avail at the time but I think had I had a little more patience (with your help) I probably could have found a workaround so I wouldn't have had to revert to a backup, thus losing some data. 
Again, there is no doubt that I couldn't see an updated display of a deleted item until I closed & re-opened IQ.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1