Please make drag and drop behave consistently

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2024/12/09 03:10

This is a real biggie for me - the default behaviour has been bugging me as a kind of background noise ever since I started using IQ.

  • Problem: different results of drag and drop from one grid to another, depending on TLI / child status of dragged item's starting and target position:
  • Example with results of dragging from grid A to grid P:
    • TLI in A ► child in P: field values A + P (value A is retained only in this case), item visible in both grid A and P
    • TLI in A ► TLI in P: field value P only, item visible in grid P only
    • child in A ► TLI in P: field value P only, item visible in grid P only
    • child in A ► child in P: field value P only, item visible in grid P only
  • As a workaround I can set up an auto-assign rule A:A=0 for field P, which will achieve the result of having only the P value. However, this has to be done for any possible target grid, plus the dragged item is still visible in the starting position until that grid is refreshed manually. Having to do this frequently is very tedious.

So my heartfelt request is: Could you please add an option to have 'TLI ► child in other grid'-type drag operations behave the same way as all other drag operations, i. e. assign value to field associated to target grid but also remove field value for starting grid and then auto-refresh / remove trace of item in starting grid?

That would be ever so welcome (and much more Ecco-like - which is almost always a good thing :-) ).


Hi Left,

I worked on this a bit today. Fixed also that some of these drag-drop operation didn't work for grids with a Tag as a source.

Question for you:

  1. Drag a child from grid A to be a TLI in P: should child keep the parent it had in A ?
    (remember that drag a child from grid A to be a child in grid P will remove the parent in A)

Ah, that is good news! I'm all for removing the original context (starting grid field value plus parent / sibling connections) as that is my usual use case.

I keep all my data in a strict top-down hierarchy. I just don't need items in multiple spots at the same time, heck I hardly ever even use links between items / grids. This may be different for other users, though, so maybe introduce an option.
