A few things I'd like to see in the properties pane, to make it fully keyboard-navigable just like other parts of the IQ GUI are keyboard-navigable.
The Properties Pane contains an "outline" of sorts.
The top level headings are Item Properties, Marked Items, Grids, Forms, All Fields. These are shown with a Darker Blue background.
These top level headings sometimes have subheadings. These are shown with a Lighter Blue background. The Item Properties heading has subheadings: Basic, Tags, Values, Parents, Siblings, Children, Related Items, Shown In. The Grids heading has a subheading for different grids (including Current Grid). The Forms heading has a subheading for every Form that's been defined.
Finally, underneath these headings or subheadings are "bottom level" entities of different types, i.e. fields and their values, items, grids, or tags, These "bottom level" entities have a white background, and an orange background if it currently has the focus.
For example, fields and values are listed under (1) Item Properties > Basic, (2) Item Properties > Values, (3) Grids > (Grid Name), (4) Forms > (Form Name), and (5) All Fields.
Items are listed under (1) Item Properties > Parents, (2) Item Properties > Siblings, (3) Item Properties > Children, (4) Item Properties > Related Items, and (5) Marked Items.
Grids are listed in Item Properties > Shown In.
Tags are listed in Item Properties > Tags, but all the tags for the current item are shown in one line, not multiple lines.
Only the "bottom level" entities are shown with an orange background to indicate that is active. Top-level headings and subheadings are not shown this way.
I think it would be good if:
(1) the up and down keys always move to the previous/next entity, whether it is a top-level heading, subheading, or "bottom-level" entity;
(2) the currently entity, again, whether top-level heading, subheading, or bottom-level entity, has an orange background to indicate its active status;
(3) Ctrl+left can always be used to collapse up to the above subheading or top-level heading;
(4) Ctrl+right can always be used to expand a heading to the next level.
(5) F4 from the grid activates the Properties Pane, and the last active entity being active in that pane.
(6) Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3 could be used to expand and collapse the Properties Pane "outline" as these keystrokes are used in the Grid.
(7) if the Properties Pane is filtered using the new filter box, top-level headings and subheadings should appear, similar to "context parents" in the grid; and they should be expandable (using Ctrl+right?), similar to Right-Click > Sub-items > Show All Sub-items in the grid. Otherwise, for example, if I filter for "reference" and the "reference" field is displayed under the "GTD" form, I have to clear the "reference" filter before I can display the other fields under the GTD form.
In this way, the Properties Pane would be fully keyboard-navigable consistent with other parts of the IQ GUI.
For example, I like to be able to start from a fully collapsed view, i.e. the five top level headings collapsed, and expand and collapse the "outline" as needed from there, using Up/Down, and Ctrl+Right/Left.
In the next version: Change…
In the next version: