Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/05/19 11:59
Had I been born in the current decade -- or so --  I probably would have been diagnosed as ADD. No one knew about ADD in the 1940's.
While I am very detail oriented, I need a structure which permits the gathering & organizing, retention & reminding of a multitude of information from a multitude of sources in a single place. 
SQLNotes, aka InfoQute does this for me in spades.
I don't like structured dB programs like Outlook or ACT! & have historically veered to the open structure model  found in Agenda, Zoot, ADM, Ariadne, Ecco & IQ. IQ is EccoPro on steroids.
The price for this is a longer learning curve but once mastered, it's worth while.
To date, I think InfoQube will end up being the best of this difficult genre; the all-in-one information gizmo.
The developer seems have taken a very methodical, thoughtful approach to data & has been responsive to new developments as well as to users.
Currently, I have dumped my entire life into IQ, i.e. day-to-day as well as longer term projects.
Even when I'm in the middle of something else, when something occurs to me, it's easy to find.
Keep up the good work, Pierre.