Submitted by KeithB on 2009/06/21 22:50
(from Demystifying InfoQube blog)
 Pierre_Admin wrote:
A rich text pane allows :
 Viewing of a web page, email message, PDF, MHT, DOC, XLS files
 How do you view PDF/DOC/XLS?  In the HTML pane, when I File>Open any of these formats, I see gibberish in the HTML pane.
There is a small bug, that you must be in browse mode when you do File>Open. After that, as you switch item, it switches automatically

1) I didn't see this in Mantis, is it slated to fix soon?  It's sometimes hanging IQ when I don't put it on browse mode.
2) Do I understand correctly--if you do this, it's something like a link, except that it fills in the ItemHTMLFile with C:\Users\Keith\Documents\mydocument.pdf, and you are able to directly view it in the html pane, rather than the link starting up acrobat.
And how would you decide which method to use?