Submitted by gregory on 2009/08/13 04:28
I'm trying to establish an auto-assign rule on the Item field in my Inbox.
To simplify the situation and to demonstrate what looks like a bug to me, I have set a simplistic rule:
When I make a change to Item, I get the warning message:
A field rule [Item] references field [Newt] but this field does not exist. The rule cannot be executed. Continuing processing rules      ...
Newt is newly defined and is of type Yes/No.
This may perhaps be a pre-existing problem which had been being masked by Mantis issue 0781 (itself just resolved by version 0.9.24E).
Now in the normal manner of things, every time I think I've hit a bug it is in fact a case of misunderstanding on my part But since I'm not yet paranoid, and I do need this to work, I'll report a problem and wait to be told what I'm doing wrong!


instead of "True" please try -1:  AM:[Newt]=-1


2009/08/13 08:49

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Sorry, no, that doesn't improve things - same error message.
I've also checked in a more-or-less clean IQBase - same problem.
Mark Gregory, Rennes, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2009/08/13 08:59

In reply to by gregory

Your field can't be in square brackets. Try

am: Newt=true



2009/08/13 09:20

In reply to by JJSlote

Thanks, Jerome; you are quite correct. The equation works if the square brackets are removed.
Somewhat to my surprise, if I change the name of the field to 'Newt is good', that also works. I'm surprised because in many contexts in IQ it IS necessary to put fieldnames in [square brackets] to avoid errors when a field name includes a space.
Perhaps I / someone should add a clarification to the manual?
Mark Gregory, Rennes, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2009/08/13 09:37

In reply to by gregory

... or perhaps there is a small bug...


2009/08/13 10:16

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

"... or perhaps there is a small bug... "...
Maybe. But it is a very small one...! Should I raise it in Mantis, or is it already on your IQ ToDos grid???
Mark Gregory, Rennes, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6