I keep a daily journal of events, calls, mtg notes etc in a special grid "Daily Logs"
The grid consists of
item = date
column = boolean Foloup
column = boolean pending
column = boolean priority
column = DateDone
Foloup is coded pink
Pending is coded yellow
Priority is coded red
DateDone is coded text gray & pending or foloup or priority background color is removed
most other grids are filtered to remove done items
All my notes are entered as children of date
if something needs to be followed up or is pending it is checked off, etc.
and it will appear in a GTD grid whose source = pending, foloup or priority
if a sub-item is related to a person in my contact list, I create a link to the contact name & take my tel conv notes there
The question I have is that this method makes it a little awkward to sort or to use date filters as all items are sorted by created date which is generally the case, but not 100%
Any thoughts / comments -- pro & certain con -- on this methodology
Any suggestions on a better methodology would be welcomed.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA