Submitted by Greg_M_IQ on 2024/07/04 17:22

Hello, I have been running IQ on a Windows machine for a few years. I have some team members who want to try it on their Mac. Has anyone had success with this? If so, would you be willing to help us work through the set up? I am not a Mac person and my team member is having some struggles with it. Thank you. Greg


There are various potential ways to accomplish this. I currently run IQ on Parallels on a Mac and it works flawlessly. Emulators like CrossOver may also work, but I haven't tried recently. Depending on budget and connectivity, another option is to run a cloud PC like Windows 365. What sort of struggles is your team member having?

Thank you for your responses! 

We have been running in Parallels and it seems to work well on the newer Mac (2024) but not so well on the 2018 unit: slow, crashes, etc. So we set up an Azure Virtual Machine for the 2018 Mac. It works well.

Is the Cloud PC W365 a Virtual machine as well?


Hi Greg, glad you've got things working. To answer your question, Windows 365, as far as I understand, is a standard Windows installation on a computer in a data center, and you access the machine remotely via the cloud. For example, when I used it, instead of the standard mode of accessing the machine using Windows Remote Desktop, I installed TeamViewer and accessed the machine that way. Windows 365 is expensive, and the entry-level option is too slow, but if you pay for a faster machine, it works very well.

How do I ?