If a text field is sorted ascending (A-Z), blank fields are sorted to the top.
Is there any way to change the default so blanks sort to the bottom (ie are treated as after "Z" instead of before "A")?
A reverse Z-A sort doesn't work for what I want.
How do I ?
In Source Sort, you can try…
In Source Sort, you can try setting it to Field1 is Null, Field1 ASC (assuming the field to sort is called Field1)
Thanks, I'll see if I can…
Thanks, I'll see if I can figure that out. The field I want to sort by is not the grid source.
I might try setting the default field value to "ZZ".
The sort criteria can…
The sort criteria can include any field, not just fields in the Source
The stock ToDo's grid (sample IQBase) is a good example where blank items are sorted to be at the end, just as you'd like