Submitted by desbest on 2024/08/23 15:26

Hello I'd like to report a bug when copying and pasting the values of a filtered column, when selecting all the visible rows.

The file with the bug is attached.

The number values do not copy properly with the correct values.


You just can't have both column's values be the same!

I'm using Infoqube 1.125.7


bug when copying and pasting column values in a filtered grid


  1. click the "score" heading so that the entire column is highlighted.
  2. Right click the highlighted column then click copy
  3. Click the "new score" header
  4. Click the highlighted column's cells then click paste
  5. Choose either of the two options provided, it doesn't matter which. In fact you can try them both.



See that the empty score for the "bananas" row isn't respected upon pasting.


  1. I agree that the wording may be improved. Can you suggest a better one ?
  2. Otherwise, it works as expected if you uncheck it ?


Otherwise, it works as expected if you uncheck it ?

if you uncheck it 


I would flip the logic the other way round, to change the wording to "respect empty lines" where it would be ticked, for it to have any affect.


This would probably flip the logic from inaction to action, negative to positive, if the checkbox is ticked by default.

Bug reports