Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/02/12 15:06
Beta 9.25 pre-18
Steps to Recreate
Add a link to grid
<CTRL>F Search  link
<a is all that shows up
I know this was / is a problem reported elsewhere but this fix should have some priority IMHO
One of the most useful things I'm finding is the ability to create links in grid
But if you can't find it, what's the use.
Thank you.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


I added a link, searched for it , and found it.
Do you mean that the search dialog shouldn't show the <a....> </a> html tags ?


2010/02/12 15:25

In reply to by Armando

Ah ! I think I know what you mean. When links are super long, they don't break and IQ only shows <a.............................................................whatever..> and if the link is too long it'S not even possible to see the actual "text"...
e.g. : <a href=Outlook:00000000BDDD5AA90212A2459ED7C2F071F10334241D5900>oups</a>


2010/02/12 16:04

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Yes, that's it. I agree that it's not super convenient. ;)
Why not enter it in Mantis...?
Your friendly scold

This is now fixed.
When you focus on an item in the search results, the row formats to show the HTML including the hyperlinks and cell height is adjusted.
As a bonus, the hyperlinks are live, so you can click on them and the link target will be displayed (items, items with field values, grids, outlook items, web pages etc)