Hi Pierre,
The "Can delete on Item move" function in the field management seems broken.
Normally its use is to delete an inherited value from a sub-item when it's moved. However, even if you move the parent (where the value was assigned by the user himself), is the value deleted... That shouldn't happen.
Steps :
1- Create a binary field called YesNo, and turn inheritance ON with the option "Can delete on Item move" ON
2- Create a 5 levels deep hierarchy of item
1- Create a binary field called YesNo, and turn inheritance ON with the option "Can delete on Item move" ON
2- Create a 5 levels deep hierarchy of item
3- Create an item called XYZ at the 3rd level of the hierarchy
4- Focus on this item XYZ at the 3rd level of the hierarchy and check the YesNo field you previously created so that all XYZ's sub-items (4th levels downward) will inherit the value (and, of course, NO items from level 1 or 2 will inherit the value).
5- Now move the item XYZ (alt-left) to the 2nd level.
Item XYZ will lose the user assigned value for the YesNO field...
It shouldn't. Only inherited values should be deleted on item move (i.e. : YesNo values from sub-items of item XYZ), not values that the user assigned himself.
This is a big problem of course as I rely on this function a lot and am not sure when this was broken.
Now, careful in fixing that one... Other inheritance bugs were fixed recently (like the ones related to drag drop, etc.) and it would be nice it they could stay fixed... ;)