Submitted by KeithB on 2010/04/24 12:41
 Per Need some opinions on the manual cross-references you mentioned IQbase to CHM export is planned. 
1)  Have you done any planning on this, and how much work it would entail?  I ask, because if it it's not a major effort, I'm thinking it would be a good thing to fairly soon have F1 call up a CHM made from the manual sndb, even if it's incomplete.
2) Should I put SNDB to CHM export in Mantis?


 Good idea Keith.
So, in your mind, would F1 then open a 2nd instance of IQ loaded w the CHM file. Or would CHM file become a TLI? Or would it be like the current linking setup for Mantis -> IQ


2010/04/24 21:32

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

 I was thinking of F1 opening a read-only chm like a lot of programs have. I guess it would look something like this: I
Also the .sndb file would be available as a download.

Mantis :
0960 IQbase to CHM
Keith : if you want me to add some details, I can. Just tell me.