Submitted by Armando on 2010/11/05 23:36
as the title says : properties pane --> if you click on the "Tree" check box on the title bar of the "All fields" section, IQ crashes.
(Keith found it... Sent me a PM for confirmation. Thanks Keith!)


Update Issue1062
Properties pane : All fields section : Tree check box : crashes IQ.  Bugcrashnew


2010/11/09 10:55

In reply to by Armando

Another weird aspect to this:
All fields tree check box was already checked for my dB
so I tried to UN-check it and
COULD NOT do it.


2010/11/09 14:44

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Yes, something is broken with that option. Let's consider it as part of the same bug. Thanks Jan.

I don't think that the checkbox ever worked correctly. It was more of a visual indication. Context menu is to be used to change the display. In v0.9.25F, I've disabled the checkbox (for now anyway) until it can reliably work


2010/11/09 17:15

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Since there isn't any indication for the user that some options are to be found via a context menu, I wonder if those (context menus, where ever they are in the properties pane) could be replaced by a Drop Down menu maybe accessible through a button called "options" (o, even better some "Option" icon...).