Submitted by ericka on 2009/01/25 22:55
Just curious.... are people using IQ for email composing, sending, receiving?
If so, how?
Jan mentioned "smart folders" like in Zoot... is there a way to do (something like) that in IQ?
Is there a way to save attachments separately in IQ?
If not, how are people associating their email with the emails saved in IQ?
I am switching systems over and may use Thunderbird with Lightening or Sunbird.
However, I am a big believer of keeping everything in one place, and would like for that place to be IQ.
Any comments welcomed.
Thanks, everyone.


Ericka, I'm with you: all things in one place however I don't believe in re-inventing the wheel.
IQ doesnt't cut it as an email client IMHO.  To the best of my knowledge, it doesn't even provide enough settings to access a secure server like Gmail so at best I would say that there may be some reason to use IQ for sending emails but Thunderbird works like a charm for incoming emails (along w filtering, etc).
Pierre -- at my urging -- was good enough to create the xpi file (Thunderbird extension) so that with one click any selected email is automatically parsed into IQ by sender, subject, date, etc while content is conveninently dumped into the html pane.
This is a great convenience & in Zoot parlance is equivalent to a smart folder.  Hope this helps.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1

I'm also only using the email grid to tie in some important emails with projects
just btw: In contacts, if I click on an email Address (in a field) it opens a compose window in Thunderbird, my default email client
I'd be wary of bringing all email into IQ, even if it was suitable - nothing against IQ here, more I guess to do with that email tends to take up a lot of space, so I'm happy enough to keep it seperate
EDIT/ on the other hand I can see advantages having all mail related to a project in there as items
Is mail saved as part of the database file or is it just linked to - (will go look in manual)
- The actual email is saved as an eml file and put in the YourFile.sndb_files folder and is viewable in the HTML pane.


2009/01/27 09:01

In reply to by Tom

Calling your default emailer from the address field seems to depend on the format of the address
For example, on my system:
Jan Rifkinson <> does nothing does what you suggest which is very handy
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/01/27 09:15

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Good point Jan, I'll fix it to support this format as well


2009/01/27 12:18

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thank you, Pierre.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/01/27 09:13

In reply to by Tom

Tom wrote:
I'd be wary of bringing all email into IQ, even if it was suitable - nothing against IQ here, more I guess to do with that email tends to take up a lot of space, so I'm happy enough to keep it seperate
True, but the way IQ does it, only the text part of emails is imported in your IQBase which is generally small. The actual email is converted to an .eml file and will be indexed by desktop search engines if any are installed.


2009/01/27 19:10

In reply to by Tom

Thank you everyone. Thunderbird it is. 
BTW, Pierre, when it is saved as an eml file, does that include the attachement or just the text? Can I decide where to save each (the email vs the attachments)?


2009/01/27 19:12

In reply to by ericka

The whole email is saved, email + attachments


2009/01/27 19:25

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks.  Can I choose a directory for saving these? Is it searchable by IQ or only by an indexing program?


2009/01/27 19:35

In reply to by ericka

it is saved in the YourFile.sndb.files folder. Email text is searchable by IQ (not attachments) and by indexing programs


2009/01/28 09:25

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

And how does user know if there is an attachment from IQ w/o opening email & where does user find the attachment?  Wonder if you could not create an EmailAttach field -- either boolean or link?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1