Submitted by reesd on 2012/07/18 19:08
 In digging through the Firefox and Thunderbird extensions I have realized its just a wrapper from InfoQubeClipper.exe. I would love to figure out to call InfoQubeClipper directly so I can call it from other places like QuickSilver on the Mac and the Chrome browser. Can you tell us more about what arguments it takes?

I have tried the following with some text on the clipboard.

infoqubeclipper "|Link |URL, |Title,yahoo"

infoqubeclipper "|ImportClip"

infoqubeclipper "|ImportPage |URL, |Title,yahoo" 

In all cases:

Add Item box is opened

URL is properly set

But it shows "Command Prompt" in the Item Text.

Title shows up nowhere. Am I missing something about the Title argument?


I hadn't thought of it, but yes, why not publish the command line arguments of InfoQubeClipper.exe !
In fact, the clipper does 2 things
  1. Searches for running instances of IQ and asks the user to select which one
  2. Communicates through DDE with the selected instance. The DDE command sent is composed of:
    1. The caller command
    2. "|hWnd," + the windows handle (to use the window caption
    3. If the running program is Opera, it appends "|URL," and the URL (yes, this is how IQ can get the URL for Opera)
Of course, this info is not enough, because the resulting string is passed to IQ... I'll get back for the rest, as it is rather complex. But the following keywords are parsed:
  1. |importEMLFiles ( parses /File=SomeFile /Author=SomeAuthor, /Date=SomeDate, and /Recipients=SomeRecipients flags )
  2. |Link
  3. |ImportPage
  4. |NewItem (for Win+N)
  5. |ClipSelected
  6. |Title ( if present, imports to the Item text)
Concerning the item text, if the clipboard is empty, IQ generally sends a CTRL+C to copy the selected text. If the clipboard is still empty, it get the current window caption


2012/08/08 14:05

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

That would be very cool Pierre.
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