Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/03/12 10:42
Pierre, Is this wiki tag system set up the way it's going to be or do you plan to expand / improve it?
I've just started playing around w tagging. I take they are sort of different from what one would normally consider tagging
If i understand it, in IQ
wikitag  is another way to quickly search / group like items
tagging is a way to connect multiple items to a single parent
In my db, I had set up two extra fields & now added wikitags
So for example
category = computer
Sub-Category = software
WikiTag = {IQ}
Is this the usage you had in mind for wikitag?
At the moment what I have constructed seems a little cumbersome to me, to whit: my question but it's probably the way I'm going about it.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


There is much left to do on that aspect. As far as wiki-style links, my aim is to implement something very similar to WikidPad in terms of ease of use
For tags, I like the tagging system used by this Drupal site.
Suggestions are welcomed!
  1. One suggestion regarding tags is to have a tag toolbar show when a tag-type field is in focus. This will ease assigning tags and ease tag filtering.
  2. Tag hierarchy is also a must: if you have:

    Then assiging an item (say Item1) the SomeSubGroup and clicking on the MyMainTag to find all items with that tag should also return your item (Item1)


2009/03/13 07:58

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Well I see WikiPad is now open source so that should help in your efforts. Unfortunately, I don't know enough to offer a suggestion but the tag toolbar sounds like a good start. I like the idea of the wiki tag but it's got to be made easier to use to be truly beneficial but you are aware of that.
I don't understand tag hierarchy. And I'm not sure why it would be needed given all the other search possibilities in IQ
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1