Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/03/25 08:20
Although I understand the difference between context & full hierarchy, I don't currently see its practical use in a grid.
For example, I would assume that if I checked option for FH, I would see CP + parent / grandparent, etc --  not so. At least not here.
CP ok
Don't know when I should use one v the other. Don't know the advantage of using one v other.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA



2009/03/25 09:37

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I did but I'll re-read it @ your suggestion & come back if I still have the same question.
Edited: 03/25/09 09:27 am A simple explanation might be:
1. context = displays child  + parent
2. hierarchy = parent + children
3. full hierarchy = display all items @ all levels
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/03/25 09:52

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

It would be simpler, but not correct.
Recall what I wrote yesterday:

Re: Sort criteria sometimes apply to sub-items -- even when ...

It helps to understand how grids are populated:
  1. The source and filters define the items that "belong" to a grid
  2. If context parents is checked, the immediate main parent is added (this will be improved to show grand parents, etc )
  3. If hierarchy is checked, items are grouped under their parent, otherwise each item is listed according to the sort order
  4. If full hierarchy is checked, all sub-items are removed and top level items are repopulated with their sub-items
  5. If save item state is checked, previous item expansion is restored