Submitted by jimspoon on 2024/06/01 00:38

In Grid A, I have a field/column where I want to put a hyperlink to a specific item displayed in Grid B.  I want the hyperlink text shown in Grid A to be the same as the Item text of the target item in Grid B.  I forgot how I accomplished this, but I finally figured that I had right-clicked the target item in Grid B, Copy > Copy as Hyperlink, then returned to Grid A where I pasted the hyperlink in the appropriate cell.

Having forgotten that solution, I first tried focusing the cell in Grid A, and pressing Ctrl+K to bring up the Hyperlink dialog, then the Select Items button.  The "Select Items to Link To" dialog comes up.  Now I know that my target item is shown in Grid B, but the dialog doesn't give me the option to select only that grid - the two options are "Search Entire File" and "Search Current Grid".  It seems it might be good to be able to select "Search Grid B" in this dropdown.  So that's one suggestion.

When I found the item I wanted the hyperlink to point to, I clicked the Return Selected Items button, but it only put the IDItem number in the "File, URL, Grid, Field, Tag or Item IDs" box.  The Hyperlink Text box was left blank.  It would be good if the Item text of the target Item were filled into the Hyperlink Text box.

Finally, when I was in the "Select Items to Link To" dialog, somehow I got a message that Infoqube had exceed a 400MB memory threshold.  The prompt asked me if I wanted to increase the threshold, so I entered 500MB to see if that would fix the problem.  When I did so, Infoqube became entirely unresponsive and I ended up having to kill the Infoqube process.  Seems like that might be a bug.



Ah ... thank you.  I had used the [[ shortcut before but forgot about it.  The "Embed Link to:" dialog has what I was hoping for - searching a specific grid for the target item, quick filtering to find the item, and using the Item Text of the target item as the Hyperlink text.  As Emily Litella used to say, "Never Mind!"
