Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/02/04 19:58
Is anyone running this combination & -- if so -- do you find IQ very slow loading in, like 1 minute.  I have 1 GB memory which i can upgrade to 2 Gig which might make process faster but just curious w others' experience. Thanks
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
hp netbook w win 7 starter & 1 GB mem
IQ v9.25 pre-16
IQ dB 990kb


Is anyone running this combination & -- if so -- do you find IQ very slow loading in, like 1 minute.  I have 1 GB memory which i can upgrade to 2 Gig which might make process faster but just curious w others' experience. Thanks
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
hp netbook w win 7 starter & 1 GB mem
IQ v9.25 pre-16
IQ dB 990kb
I can't help unfortunately. I know Pierre already said that there was still optimization to be done
(Performance on a netbook). Pierre knows that. What else can we do or know ? 
I'd be surprised if someone arrives saying "wow, it's super fast...". IQ is faster than it used to be in certain areas, but is not super fast compared to other apps -- but it'd be good to specify what exactly, isn't fast (performance is part of my high priority requests list, and I mentioned a few there).

Load time has increased since adding the Calendar. I'l see what I can do to speed up things:
  1. Not load the Calendar immediately
  2. Not load the HTML pane immediately (it uses IE and we all know how that can also take a long time to load...)
  3. I now wait for all windows to be loaded to show them. It makes for a cleaner, but longer load.
    Before I was showing windows as they were created. This allowed for a perceived faster load time
To speed up things, you can right now:
  1. Close the HTML pane before closing IQ
  2. In Tools>>Options>>Program Settings>>Modes: Uncheck "Open last view on startup" and "Open last file on startup"


2010/02/04 22:23

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Load time has increased since adding the Calendar. I'l see what I can do to speed up things:
           1. Not load the Calendar immediately
            2. Not load the HTML pane immediately (it uses IE and we all know how that can also take a long time to load...)
Why not. It could improve user experience depending on the type of usage.
However, I have the impression that what takes the most time is the loading of a grid with all its displayed items. When no grid is loaded, it's pretty fast.
        3. I now wait for all windows to be loaded to show them. It makes for a cleaner, but longer load.
Before I was showing windows as they were created. This allowed for a perceived faster load time
I really prefer to have a cleaner but longer load. That's what Windows 7 tend to do, and Mac too. There's a reason for that -- it looks less clunky.
Actually, I think there's still room for improvement when loading a grid : Toolbars are being redrawn and t looks clunky.
(However : these, for me are absolutely not priorities -- I'd rather have inheritance work well across the board (+ other relatively important bugs fixed) than super fast, slick an sexy IQ loading. This my very own opinion though.... [Edit : as for new user's first contact with the app, it might be an important aspect...  of course] )
To speed up things, you can right now:
   1. Close the HTML pane before closing IQ
   2. In Tools>>Options>>Program Settings>>Modes: Uncheck "Open last view on startup" and "Open last file on startup"
Yes, that'S right. Loading grids and the HTML pane at start up slows things down.
As far as loading times are concerned, it would be good to make some fair comparisons.
For a similarly sized DB how long is nowadays apps loading time ?
Ultra Recall (last version) ? Outlook 2007 ? Other ones ?
But, to me, more important than load times are other common internal operations : grid opening, refreshes, copy/paste, item creation with inheritance, sorting, searching, etc.


2010/02/05 09:13

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Pierre, closing file before closing IQ results:
03-05 sec for splash to appear, apprx 15-20 sec for program to open, another 30-35 secs for data to load, i.e. apprx 1 min anyway. I don't think another GB of memory is going to change this. I think Armando makes some good points but I think perceptually -- for commercial reasons -- it might make sense to do allow windows to open as they are ready, rather than waiting until they are all ready as long as  it doesn't compromise IQ's internals. At least this will provide an illusion of speed. I don't know how products compare across the board as I don't have a lot of the programs mentioned but I can tell you that IDimager, a very complex DAM program loads in a lot faster with a larger dB of images (+/- 20,000 images). Whether this is a fair comparison or not, I don't know.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2