Submitted by Tom on 2010/12/01 08:19
I'm testing this in the sample database
Field: Duration.
Equation: WorkTime(StartDate, EndDate, 8) - (NonBillable)
1) first time using the EndDate field it show the december 1899 - naturally I presumed it was December 2010 and selected day and time. I did *not* have same problem in StartDate field.
I wonder could this be corrected Pierre ?
2) I notice that if a field needs to be modified, the duration field always remains the same.
Say I notice I added the wrong start time, if I change it the end time changes rather than the Duration field.
Likewise if I add a number to Non-Billable field - the end time changes rather than Duration
Is this by design?


I'm testing this in the sample database
Field: Duration.
Equation: WorkTime(StartDate, EndDate, 8) - (NonBillable)
1) first time using the EndDate field it show the december 1899 - naturally I presumed it was December 2010 and selected day and time. I did *not* have same problem in StartDate field.
I wonder could this be corrected Pierre ?
2) I notice that if a field needs to be modified, the duration field always remains the same.
Say I notice I added the wrong start time, if I change it the end time changes rather than the Duration field.
Likewise if I add a number to Non-Billable field - the end time changes rather than Duration
Is this by design?
1) The default value of the EndDate is set to "Time" an undefined function, hence returning 0. For a date field, 0= december 1899. Fixed in the new sample IQBase
2) It is by design, through the field equations, which you can change to your liking. Currently:
  1. StartDate change keeps constant Duration
  2. EndDate change keeps constant StartDate
  3. Duration change, keeps constant StartDate (and changes the EndDate)
  4. Non-Billable change, keeps constant duration.
Regarding #4, because the equation are self-referencing (i.e. have recursion), the order in which they are performed has an impact. However, there is no way (currently) to control the order of the equation execution. The way to work around this, is to turn OFF the EndDate equation and Set Duration to Read-Only