(Some) images not visible in doc pane

Submitted by Cyganet on 2021/06/10 11:43

When I web clip a page (which is stored as an HTML file ItemIDxxxx.htm), the images from the web clip are initially visible in the doc pane.  After a while, some of them show up as blank, apparently because they are links to the image on the web rather than a embedded local copy of the image.  It doesn't happen for all images (even from the same website), and it doesn't happen all the time, which is why it's not clear to me what's going on.

On startup, grids do not have the proper custom font sizes and / or don't use the default zoom setting

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2021/06/10 05:42

When I first start IQ and it opens the last active grid, that grid will not be displayed with the custom font size set through the Manage Grids dialog and / or the default zoom setting (unless I've set something in options that causes this behaviour and it's as intended?). I then need to reset the zoom setting through the View menu and to refresh the grid (and any other grid I switch to thereafter) to have it display everything in the size I want.

Paste option 2 - lines are out of order after pasting then pressing F5

Submitted by dderkits on 2021/06/08 11:01

Version v117. Scenario:

1) I have one item (row) selected under IQ, I paste content that contains multiple lines (e.g. 9 lines), and I choose "2- Paste all lines into selected item(s). 8 new items will be created".

2) The paste is successful and initially appears in the proper order, reflecting the order of the original content as copied.

3) I press F5 to refresh the view. The first item of the paste moves to the bottom, below the 8 new items that were created during the paste. The 8 new items remain in proper order.

Copy/paste multiple lines issue

Submitted by WayneK on 2021/05/29 22:00

Still having trouble copy/pasting multiple lines.

A) Item has two lines (with hard return in between)

B) Select item>Ctrl-C

C) Select one or more blank items to paste into.

C) Dialogue comes up:

1) - Paste 1 line into selected items. 

I don't know why someone would select a block of text then just paste one line of it but I'm sure there's an explanation I'm not thinking of.

2) - Paste all lines into selected item(s). 1 new items will be created.

Hierarchy display abnormality when using group-by

Submitted by lucasd on 2021/05/26 12:40

Sometimes the hierarchy of items doesn't display properly when using group by. I have attached a file to demonstrate the issue.

In the file, click on the MyJournal grid. (This grid is set to group by ItemCreated.) Click Refresh. Expand all items in the grid. On my system, the result looks like this: 


Delete item dialog choices and results

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2021/05/21 03:47

Been giving the delete item dialog some thought:

For child items that don't actually have a value for the field underlying the current grid, showing option 2 - "Remove from this Grid only" doesn't seem to make any sense. If applied, the item will go into hiding and reappear unchanged in the same place after refreshing the grid. Perhaps in that case, 2 should have the same effect as 3 - or it should be omitted, offering only 1 + 3?