Is it possible to see which items have Doc Pane Content?

Submitted by viking on 2022/01/28 20:46

I have a large grid with many items. Only some of them have content in the Doc Pane.

Is it possible to see in the Grid which items have content in the Doc Pane w/o have to click the items one-by-one to check?
For example, it would be great if  Column/Filed could show that? Maybe by an auto-assign rule somehow?

Modify DueDate based on Text Field by Auto-Assignment

Submitted by viking on 2022/01/24 01:21

I have a text Field "KnownDueDate" with a popup list "Known" &  "Unknown".
If I select "Unknown" I want the DueDate to be blank. If I select "Known", I do not want the DueDate to change.

I tried various auto-assignment rules but I can't get it to work properly.
Any suggestions..?


Is it Possible to Combine a Field to Show Date or Text?

Submitted by viking on 2022/01/23 17:20

I don't think this is possible, but maybe someone has an idea:

I have a date Field "DueDate". Sometimes the DueDate is unknown. I don't want to leave it blank, but to show a due date if one is known, and to show "Unknown" if not known. Is that possible somehow?

The closest I can think of is to have two Fields (DueDate and a Text Field with Known/Unknown)
Use a text Field for the DueDate, but that will cause other issues.

How can I exclusively select only one row

Submitted by patrick on 2022/01/22 04:33

I jury rigged a simple way to time a task by creating a yes/no field (named Clock In) which, when true, sets a date field to Now with Auto-assignment rules. Clocking out is accomplished by setting a different date field, and the duration can be computed using a column equation. It is crude and it works ok, but it would be nice if selecting the Clock In field for one task will deselect this field for all other rows (exclusive selection). Is this possible?

ItemColor Based on Tag and/or Item?

Submitted by viking on 2022/01/20 21:30

Question 1
I have a Field "WorkType", which is a Text Field with "Auto-List of values", and it has this equation:

AME:[ItemColor]=iif([WorkType]="Call","blue"," ")

When I select "Call" in the drop-down list for the WorkType, the ItemColor turns blue.

However, instead of using a Text Field with "Auto-List of values", I would like to use Tags instead.

Is that possible? Is there some way to monitor a change in a Tag values so that the ItemColor turns blue when the "Call" Tag is selected?

Issues Importing Ecco PhoneBook

Submitted by viking on 2022/01/20 00:51

I am trying to import my Ecco phoneBook into an IQ file and I am running into several issues (Numbered 1-3).
I have several thousand items and I cannot show them all at once in Ecco (memory overflow), so I will have to import 25 times (once for each letter).

1. When I import the first letter, IQ imports all Ecco folders (many hundreds). They are not empty in Ecco, but they are not used for the PhoneBook items. IQ therefore creates hundreds of folders with 0 items. Can this be avoided?