How to see multiple parents?

Submitted by WayneK on 2024/01/12 09:19

For better or worse, I primarily organize info by assigning items to multiple parents.  This creates the never-ending problem of checking to see if an item has been assigned yet, and which parents it has been assigned to.

1) Checking properties pane is too many steps.

2) Parents column in grid only shows one parent. 

3) Parents field in the forms pane cuts off the list.

4) Pop up text info cannot be customized. (previously suggested:

Change bold status

Submitted by WayneK on 2023/12/03 14:51

I just created an obnoxious situation for myself by creating hundreds of items with bold formatting, then changing my mind and wanting to unbold everything.  

The bolding was created "in-line" by entering edit mode and selecting the text for bolding (rather than selecting the item and then bolding).  When you bold this way, there appears to be no way to unbold the text en masse.  You have to tediously enter edit mode for each item, and select each line of text to unbold it.

Can children inherit parent tag(s)?

Submitted by lucasd on 2023/11/15 14:15

With the new nav pane, I've been exploring some new ways of organizing data. This led me to a question: Is there any way to configure item tags to be inherited by item children? Since neither the field [ItemTags] nor individual tag names appear in the 'Manage Fields' window , I'm not sure if there's a way to configure inheritance. (I suppose the ideal, eventually, would be able to configure this kind of inheritance on a per-tag basis... but perhaps I'm thinking about tags in the wrong way?)

Fully collapse all?

Submitted by lucasd on 2023/11/12 22:34

InfoQube helpfully remembers which sub-nodes are expanded and which are collapsed, so if I collapse and then expand a parent item, the expand/collapse state of the children is retained. However, what if I want to collapse all items in a grid, such that when I expand a parent item the children will initially be collapsed? Is there a way to do this?

Auto-assignment rules using "|" [vertical bar] in string

Submitted by lucasd on 2023/11/08 21:11

In auto-assignment rules, the vertical bar ("|") character is used to separate rules. But if I want to write a rule that makes an item become italicized, it seems like I would need to use:

[ItemFont] = "|I|"

However, it seems that this doesn't work, presumably because IQ interprets the vertical bar as a rule separation. Am I understanding this correctly, and is there a workaround?

Search whole words only

Submitted by WayneK on 2023/10/26 09:26

I like to use Find and Filter>show in search grid.  Why is the "Whole word only" option grayed out for this?  Just did a search for "quest" and got many unwanted hits for "question".  I couldn't find an answer in the manual.

The whole word option is available for Live-Search but this option locks up InfoQube for me most of the time.


122q, Win10