Add Item Dialog Brings Main IQ Window with it by either Shortcut or Mozilla Create Link

Submitted by ethanrox on 2016/12/10 05:31
If the main IQ window is not minimized from within the program or clicked in the Taskbar so it hides, then launching the Add Item to IQ Dialog brings it to top which is not very desirable behavior.
1. Focus on IQ Main Window->Alt+Tab->Firefox Browser->Create New Link->brings back IQ Main Window
2. Focus on IQ Main Window -> Minimize/Click the Taskbar Window to hide->....->Just The Add Item to IQ Dialog.

Property pane for one item showing values from another

Submitted by DavidF on 2016/12/09 08:42
This seems like a variant of the problem I've mentioned earlier, about the blank Properties Pane. Now I'm seeing the Property Pane show actual values from a different item to the one currently selected, and doing this continually, ie it's as if those values have "stuck". Again, switching back and forth between grids finally puts it right.

Ctrl PgUp, Ctrl PgDn to navigate only tabs (not views)

Submitted by ethanrox on 2016/12/09 05:42
I think it would be better for navigational purposes if the Ctrl+PgUp, Ctrl+PgDwn shortcuts for previous/next tab be applied only for tabs and not views.
now in v88: the shortcuts apply to the views too, i.e. harder to navigate tabs because views get in the loop although they are "on a lower level"

Version 0.9.88c is now available !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2016/12/08 17:24
Hi IQ Users,
In this release (v0.9.88c):
  • New: Tabs can now contain panes, so they can be split into any number of views. To add a view to a tab, open the view and right-click on the its tab and select "Copy View". Then right-click on the tab and select "Paste View". The view will be shown in a docked pane. Reposition the pane if desired.
    • With this new feature, tabs can become customizable "desktops".

Need Search Help

Submitted by WayneK on 2016/12/07 21:30
It's probably just me but I continue to find the search function difficult to use.  I hope someone can give me a tip on how to make better use of it.
I was working in one of my grids when I noticed that a subitem relating to a Dr's appointment appeared to be missing.  I did a search using the Dr's name. This produced a list of hits containing the Dr's name. 
But from there I was stuck.  My appointments are identified by an adjacent date column.  The search grid does not display a date column nor can you add a date column (as far as I can tell).  Without being able to see the date column, I cannot tell which appointment is which. 
Why can't I add columns to the search grid and how do I find particular items without the clues provided by associated columns (like dates)?
Thanks, Wayne

Notifications Pane Font

Submitted by David_H on 2016/12/07 20:57
Pierre, could you add the ability to increase the font size, it's difficult for me to read.  Or is it already possible somehow?
I don't use word wrap in most grids because it makes them harder for me to scan through them.  With the new pane layouts the notification pane is the perfect alternative, since I can now dock it right over my main grids, which allows me to read long text by hovering over a cell.  I just need to be able to make the text larger.