Gantt always there

Submitted by Armando on 2019/03/05 19:10
Hi Pierre!
Not too active here these days, but here's a little bug bugging me, proving that I'm still relying on IQ every day to get my stuff done...
In a given grid, I cannot get rid of the Gantt completely.
1- In a grid workspace (not sure about the terminology anymore) focus on a Grid with an active Gantt. (In pics 1 and 2, there are 2 grids side by side, and the left one has the focus)
2- Hide Gantt (pic. 1).
3- Move the right grid border to the right,
4- the Gantt appears again (pic. 2).

Newbie questions

Submitted by Pavel on 2019/03/03 10:38
Hi there,
I've been a heavy EccoPro user for 20-odd years and now I'm starting a project in IQ and I like it a lot, but still struggle with some of the differences. If I get it right IQ Fields correspond to a large extent to Folders in Ecco. There seems to be one major difference - you can organize Folders hierarchically, which with dozens of them gets quite handy - is there a way to do that with Fields?
I am also puzzled by a screenshot in IQ documentation which shows a tab bar on the left margin. I suspected it might be tab that could toggle among different workspaces/grid sets - is this true? I haven't found any way to show it in the menus. What is it and how do I control it?
Thanks a lot!

can I only allow certain FORM(s) to apply to an Item ?

Submitted by seanlu21 on 2019/03/01 07:26
Hi, it is useful to have 'Property' panel opened on the right side of IQ.
However, not all forms are required, or needed for a item, for example, if the item is a contact infomation, then the 'contact', 'call' forms may help or may be required to use; but not for the 'GTD' , 'Finance' , 'invoice'  forms.
So my question is can we choose what forms to display on the property panel for different items ?