Submitted by Tom on 2011/07/05 04:44
At the moment I only have one field with conditional formatting, but it no longer works under "U"
I removed my old install completely so am using a 'clean' install of U.
It still works in T - I had kept a copy of older install.
Here's the relevant info
Could it be that the colour has to be added manually to the Options somewhere (doesnt make sense though to me...)

XP home - SP3      IQ Portable - up-to-date


Can anyone confirm / deny this?
BUMP :) 2011-07-13

XP home - SP3      IQ Portable - up-to-date


2011/07/14 00:59

In reply to by Tom

None of my fields containing a single "<> o" are formatted.
It seems that you now have to specify the field in the condition. E.g. for the inbox field you used to be able to just write "<> 0" but you now have to write "inbox <> 0"
As I said in the other thread about conditional formatting, it would be nice to iron out the syntax for conditional formatting.
Windows XP Home Edition, Service pack 2
Dell Vostro 1500, Ram:3gb, CPU:Core2Duo T7500 2.2ghz


2011/07/14 11:40

In reply to by Armando

OK, I've re-enabled the shortcut. Entering the field name is no longer required, but as before, this only works for conditions with a single criteria, so the following works
  • >10
but this will not work:
  • <-10 or >10
For multiple criteria, field names are required
To ease the process, in particular when renaming fields, I've added the [me] keyword.
So the following will work:
  • [me] <-10 or [me] >10


2011/07/14 12:07

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

OK, I've re-enabled the shortcut. Entering the field name is no longer required, but as before, this only works for conditions with a single criteria, so the following works
  • >10
but this will not work:
  • <-10 or >10
For multiple criteria, field names are required
To ease the process, in particular when renaming fields, I've added the [me] keyword.
So the following will work:
  • [me] <-10 or [me] >10
Thanks !
Windows XP Home Edition, Service pack 2
Dell Vostro 1500, Ram:3gb, CPU:Core2Duo T7500 2.2ghz