Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/01/21 10:43
I don't believe this function is working properly.
Or maybe it is but doesn't make sense to me.
If I have two items that have htm data attached to them, the items are joined but the htm data is not combined so what's the point?
Or maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


What you described is correct. Currently, only the grid items are joined. No operation is done on the HTML. Also the items which have been merged are not deleted.
This is currently "per design" as the HTML pane serves many purposes and merging the content is not always the choice or possible. Improvements are planned...


2009/01/21 12:26

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Tks, Pierre. So, given this situation, what would you recommend as the best way to combine items w html data.
I mean, say, user clips data from various spots on a single subject & together they would make better reading,i.e. make more sense, how does the user accomplish this task?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/01/21 13:31

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

One way is to select the desired items and do an HTML Export > Settings mode. You'll get a nice combined view with expand/collapse buttons. If you save the file and link an item to it in the HTML pane, you'll even be able to view it right in the HTML pane with working expand/collapse buttons.


2009/01/21 18:22

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

OK, I'll try it. You say this is one way. What's another way?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1

  1. Shift-CTRL-S will split an item into 2 (at the current cursor point), which is the same as in Ecco
  2. Shift-CTRL-J will join items:
    • It prompts you for a delimiter to add when joining the item's text. If left empty, will add line feeds.
    • It joins the item text, but does not delete the merged items, so to not lose valuable field-values, if present. If desired, simply delete them.[/quote] my emphasis
I had this experience end of december
I tried joining two items a couple of times
I got different results but mostly the following (in fact after the first couple of attempts I always get this-)
 instead of the two original items remaining, one seems to usually merge with a copy of the other - so one original item is lost
still seems to be the case here


2009/01/21 16:54

In reply to by Tom

Confirmed here as well. Jon


2009/01/21 17:59

In reply to by Tom

I tried it again, if you have
  • item1 (+item1 field values)
  • item2 (+item2 field values)
  • item3 (+item3 field values)
If you select item1, then item2, then item3 (in that order) a join with ", " as delimiter, you get:
  • item1, item2, item3 (+item1 field values)
  • item2 (+item2 field values)
  • item3 (+item3 field values)
This is exactly per design.


2009/01/21 18:19

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Huh?  I don't get the design.  Can someone supply a practical example of this?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/01/22 08:22

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Pierre: I thought ALL of the original items you want to join are retained by design. At least that is what I understand from the description of the shortcut ("It prompts you for a delimiter to add when joining the item's text. If left empty, will add line feeds. It joins the item text, but does not delete the merged items, so to not lose valuable field values, if present. If desired, simply delete them."). According to this explanation, it seems that all but one are retained in their original form. In practice this does not occur. I understand that this can be remedied by deleting the joined item text. This would leave you with the item in its almost original state, but this is cumbersome. Jon