HTML Help (CHM) version of User Manual - Updated May 16th 2016

Submitted by Jibz on 2010/10/20 05:57
The CHM version of the User Manual was last updated on May 16th 2016:
Script used and instructions available at
In case you run into a problem with no content, or links not working, you can try the following fix as described by Armando:
Note that it's possible that some user will run into the infamous problem where no content appears in their CHM reader.
Just do that :
1- Right click on the *.CHM file
2- Click on "properties"
3- In the properties dialog go to the "General" tab
4- Below the advanced button at the bottom right, click on "Unblock" (note that this button will disappear once the file is unblocked)
5- Click on "apply".
That should do it.
I don't know if this could be put somewhere, but it's a very common problem (with XP at least, I don't know about other Windows flavours


Thanks again ! If there is anything I can do to show my gratitude, do not hesitate to ask

Thanks Jibz!  With the latest updates, a pdf file can be produced directly from the chm manual, rather than from the browser via printer-friendly view.
Click "InfoQube Information Management System" level, then "Print", "Print the selected heading and all subtopics", then print to your installed pdf printer.


2010/10/27 18:14

In reply to by KeithB

Nice stuff ! Thanks guys!!!

Hey - I just found this. Great stuff!
Thanks Jibz!

I wanted to make a note here of the exact steps I am currently using to create the chm version to make it easier
for other people to produce the same result.
Make sure you have Perl and the HTML Help Workshop installed.
Create a folder and put the dump2chm perl script into it.
Open the printer friendly version of the top level page of the IQ User manual in Internet Explorer,
Wait till the entire page has loaded with all graphics.
Choose File->Save As... and select "Webpage, complete", and "Unicode (UTF-8)", and save to the folder
you put the script in.
Open a command prompt, and run the script with the name of the saved html page as argument
dump2chm InfoQube.htm
This splits the htm file into a file for each node of the manual, and generates the index files required to
compile the chm.
Open index.hhc in your favorite text editor and move the line that links to node48.html down one line and
change node48.html to index.html and value="1" to value="11", i.e. in the current version, change
<OBJECT type="text/site properties">
<param name="FrameName" value="right">
<LI><OBJECT type="text/sitemap"><param name="Name" value="InfoQube User manual"><param name="Local" value="node48.html"><param name="ImageNumber" value="1"></OBJECT>
<LI><OBJECT type="text/sitemap"><param name="Name" value="InfoQube User Manual (node 2043)"><param name="Local" value="node2043.html"><param name="ImageNumber" value="1"></OBJECT>
<OBJECT type="text/site properties">
<param name="FrameName" value="right">
<LI><OBJECT type="text/sitemap"><param name="Name" value="InfoQube User manual"><param name="Local" value="index.html"><param name="ImageNumber" value="11"></OBJECT>
<LI><OBJECT type="text/sitemap"><param name="Name" value="InfoQube User Manual (node 2043)"><param name="Local" value="node2043.html"><param name="ImageNumber" value="1"></OBJECT>
Now run the chm compiler on the project file,
hhc index.hhp
And you should have a shiny new InfoQube.chm


2011/04/03 11:56

In reply to by Jibz

Thanks a lot Jibz! That's really nice.


2011/04/19 18:26

In reply to by Jibz

Very, very cool Jibz. How hard would it be to add an link in each offline page to the online page to make it easy for users to read discussions and contribute? Something like -- link to nonexistent node ID 1069 -- has at the bottom of it (though only in the offline of course)?


2011/04/19 18:54

In reply to by reesd

Thanks to all for your hard work in getting some documentation together.
I'd now like to link this as context sensitive help.
For this, I need to know the help context of each page. Could the Drupal node ID be used as help context ID ? Jibz ?
(I tried using the current help file and it did not seem to work, it opens the help file but not the correct help page)
Thanks again !


2011/04/20 12:35

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I don't know if any changes are needed to the CHM file for this to work?
The node ID is used for the name of each individual html file, so for instance if there is a documentation node in the online
manual with ID 1351, then there will be a file in the compiled CHM named node1351.html which contains that node.
If there is something I can generate automatically that would be helpful, or if I need to change something about the CHM
please let me know. Or if you want to play around with it yourself you are of course very welcome to do that as well.


2011/04/20 13:20

In reply to by Jibz

What I think we need is:
  • File InfoQube.h: Contains:
    • #define topic1 20, where topic1 is the topic name, 20 is the nodeID
      #define Topic2 40 (...)
See the attached html help project if you need more info (or discuss it here)
Thanks a million !


2011/04/20 20:09

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I did a quick change to the script to produce a map file with defines for the node numbers and an alias file which apparently has some use as well.
Attached is the generated include files and the script I used, and the latest update of the CHM was compiled with those.


2011/04/20 20:19

In reply to by Jibz

Hi Jibz !
Wow ! That was super quick... and it works !
Thanks a million, I'll quickly go through the various forms and link it to the help file


2011/04/21 07:15

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

[quote=Pierre_Admin]Wow ! That was super quick... and it works ![/quote]
That was rather surprisingly easy then .
Looking at some suggestions on the web for this kind of thing, I guess I should have used an IDH prefix (IDH_NODE42 instead of NODE_42) on the identifiers to make it more obvious they were help related, but if you already started adding them there is no reason to change it.


2011/05/15 11:33

In reply to by Jibz

Thanks a lot, Jibz!
Windows XP Home Edition, Service pack 2
Dell Vostro 1500, Ram:3gb, CPU:Core2Duo T7500 2.2ghz


2011/04/20 21:04

In reply to by reesd

Very, very cool Jibz. How hard would it be to add an link in each offline page to the online page to make it easy for users to read discussions and contribute? Something like -- link to nonexistent node ID 1069 -- has at the bottom of it (though only in the offline of course)?
While you are looking at the code, any thoughts on how hard it would be to add this? I posted a thought on how to do it at, not sure if you are watching this thread.
PS, We really need to add credit to Jibz on the help launch page..


2011/04/21 05:12

In reply to by reesd

[quote=reesd]While you are looking at the code, any thoughts on how hard it would be to add this? I posted a thought on how to do it at, not sure if you are watching this thread.
I am sorry, I was going to add that but forgot again. I have uploaded a new version of the CHM with those links added,
and a new version of the script is here:
Thanks for the example code.
[quote=reesd]PS, We really need to add credit to Jibz on the help launch page..
Imho the credit should go to the people who work with writing and updating the documentation, as any developer knows
that is a hard and time consuming task. I just wrote a script to convert it.


2011/04/21 06:16

In reply to by Jibz

[quote=reesd]While you are looking at the code, any thoughts on how hard it would be to add this? I posted a thought on how to do it at, not sure if you are watching this thread.
I am sorry, I was going to add that but forgot again. I have uploaded a new version of the CHM with those links added,
wow, that's great !!! I just logged in [- and edited this :-) ] via the help file
Thanks Jibz


2011/05/19 09:14

In reply to by Jibz

[quote=reesd]While you are looking at the code, any thoughts on how hard it would be to add this? I posted a thought on how to do it at, not sure if you are watching this thread.
I am sorry, I was going to add that but forgot again. I have uploaded a new version of the CHM with those links added,
and a new version of the script is here:
Thanks for the example code.
[quote=reesd]PS, We really need to add credit to Jibz on the help launch page..
Cool! I just downloaded the newest.
Pierre, could you make sure you are pulling the latest into the releases? The one that came with S is 4/11 and missing these cool new features (not to mention great new content :).

I made a small change to the script so it works with dumps from Chrome (hopefully).
CHM, script and includes are at the usual dropbox links.
The latest update is from a Chrome dump, so please let me know if you find something that broke since the last version.

Thanks for your continued effort in updating the help file regularly, Jibz.
Highly appreciated. :)
Windows XP Home Edition, Service pack 3
Dell Vostro 1500, Ram:3gb, CPU: Intel Core2Duo T7500 2.2ghz


2011/11/09 09:09

In reply to by Armando

 Yes, the presence of a fast (blindingly fast compared to the web pages :) is very, very helpful! Thanks!
Anyone know how we get this associated with F1 in InfoQube? I can't seem to figure out where the file is stored so I can replace the August one.


2011/11/09 16:44

In reply to by reesd

Anyone know how we get this associated with F1 in InfoQube? I can't seem to figure out where the file is stored so I can replace the August one.[/quote]
the help file is stored under "appdata" in the (portable) IQ folder

Thanks again !
This updated CHM file will be included in v0.9.25W3 to be released soon !

 As usual, many thanks Jibz for your contribution !


2012/04/02 15:55

In reply to by Pierre_Admin



2012/04/02 15:57

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

This updated CHM help file will be integrated in the next (and last ?) release of the v0.9.25 branch, v0.9.25W10

The CHM version of the manual is a lifesaver! Thanks to Jibz for doing the conversion. However....
I cannot access the link to get the new version as it is blocked by my corporate firewall. Can it be added to the download area of the drupal site?
EDIT: I downloaded 0.9.25W10 and it was included in the package!! Should have tried that before posting...

 I got a new adblocker, so if you find something missing in the latest version (Aug 2nd 2012), please let me know.


2012/08/03 19:26

In reply to by Jibz

As Always, thanks a lot, Jibz.
Windows XP Home Edition, Service pack 3
Dell Vostro 1500, Ram:3gb, CPU: Intel Core2Duo T7500 2.2ghz

 Thanks for all the work you (all of you: Tom, Armando, etc) do on the documentation

Thanks again for updating this. I've included it in v0.9.26Pre-Rel8

Thanks again Jibz !
I've uploaded it to the Download page. 
(Wow ! Good to see you back here  )

Thanks again Jibz for updating the user manual ! I should really learn how to do it...   
IQ Designer


2016/05/16 12:49

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

No problem .


2016/05/16 13:14

In reply to by Jibz

Good to see you around!
IQ geek
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz

I converted a fresh dump today, but the resulting CHM is about 4 MB smaller than the last, so either the manual has been cleaned up, or there is something the script misses now. Could someone with more knowledge of the manual please check the CHM and see if it looks like it's all there?


2017/06/08 15:49

In reply to by Jibz

hi Jibz
that link isn't working:
"File not found
Sorry, that file doesn’t live here anymore. It might have been moved or made private."


2017/06/08 18:23

In reply to by Jibz

Sorry about that, they removed the public folder apparently. Perhaps this works:[/quote]
yes, that worked, thanks
getting late here so I probably wont get to look at it till Sunday, so, if anyone else wants to give it a go, feel free !


2017/06/14 13:57

In reply to by Jibz

Many thanks Jibz for the update (I should really take the time to learn how to update it myself !!)
I've updated the copy on this site, so users are encouraged to use this link to get the updated help file
(as Dropbox does limit the number of downloads for users)
IQ Designer


2017/06/08 23:41

In reply to by Jibz

I converted a fresh dump today, but the resulting CHM is about 4 MB smaller than the last, so either the manual has been cleaned up, or there is something the script misses now. Could someone with more knowledge of the manual please check the CHM and see if it looks like it's all there?
Hi Jibz,
Thanks for that new CHM! 
(And thanks Tom, for the heads up)
Looks fine to me. Pierre can confirm when he's back, but yes: seems like the manual has been cleaned up.