Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/01/25 17:53
'Tomorrow' field equation looks like this: A:Today=|A:ThisWeek=-1|A:NextWeek=
'This week' field equation looks like this: A:NextWeek=
Today, Sunday, I created an item & checked off 'tomorrow'.
'This week' got an automated checkmark based on the equaiton
This leads me to believe that Sunday is considered the first day of the week so tomorrow, Monday is really the 2nd day of 'this week'
However, I would like to make Monday the first day of the week, since I consider Sat / Sun as a wknd
If this is not currently possible, can I hope it will be included in the calendar module... whenever it makes its long awaited appearance.
Thank  you.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


As you can see from the auto-assign rules, the logic behind Today, Tomorrow, This Week and Next Week is rather (too) simple. It could be improved using VBScript (any keen to give it a try?)
As for the Calendar, you'll of course be able to set the first day of the week


2009/01/26 13:53

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Waaaaaaaaaay over my head so someone else will have to attempt.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1