Submitted by ericka on 2009/01/25 22:44
As for the new calendar...
When I create an appointment, I want it to show up in the calendar. After checking out the system fields, I realized that Calendar does not have any.  What I did learn is that the calendar item is the date, whereas the Item for appointment is typically the subject of the appointment.
Is the appointment field part of the calendar? How do I get the appointment to show up in the calendar "grid" (if the calendar is a grid)?
For an appt to show up in the calendar, should a calendar item be created in the appointments.appt to show in the calendar?
Does the same apply for a task to show up in the calendar (i.e., to schedule the task)? In other words, should a calendar item be created that Item=TaskActStart?
What if I want to make an email a task and schedule a time to respond in the calendar? Should I set the TaskActStart field and then create a calendar item with Item=TaskActStart?
If this is something still being walked on, please just let me know.


I don't believe calendar & grids are inter connected yet; i.e. they are totally separate now. That is what Pierre is supposed to be working on for the upcoming release.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/01/26 09:49

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Yes and no:
  • Anything entered in the calendar can be shown in a grid. The Appointments field (date) and ItemDuration field are used.
  • However, information entered in a grid, is not shown in the calendar (just yet... I'm working on it!)


2009/01/26 13:51

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I stand corrected; thank you.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/01/27 19:13

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

OK. So as per my example, I start with creating items in the calendar and then can select appt and task or whatever, correct? No pressure, just wanted to know when you think the reverse may be available? I can work like this (even though I don't think like this), but would really like to put it through more paces soon. Thank you.