Submitted by Airways on 2012/10/19 16:10
I am very interested in creating some external VBScript programs to manipulate the data in my IQ database. I understand that this should be possible even while the IQ program is running - although I will need to refresh any grids I have open to see data (similarly to how it would work with multiple users on a LAN for instance).
Are there any example programs, or could you provide a brief introduction on how to setup and connect to the DB? I tried opening the DB in Access and it didn't load anything, so I'm not sure how to inspect the contents to determine what I can query against.


 Well I was able to find some hidden query objects in the file but it doesn't appear that there is went Wily to insert or update data. I really am hulky a herd time even understanding how these queries century work-what tables are they actually accessing?
 Seems like this is some serious Jet Voodoo!
 Also when I try to open a db like this:
Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=C:IQdb.sndb"
I get the following error:
Line: 17
Error: Object or provider is not capable of performing requested operation.
 Any help Would be really appreciated.

 Made bit of progress - l have found the underlying tables, and although they still don't show up in Access I was able to write some VBScript code in the attached HTA which will load some of the schema and individual valves. Any design notes for how this stuff works would still be great of course!


2012/10/20 00:24

In reply to by Airways

Good work !
The tables are indeed hidden to ensure that non-experts users don't mess up the data... The only objects normally visible are the grids (which as Access Queries)
I'll be away for the next few days, but I know some users have done similar work before. I'll try to find their VBScript code and report back


2012/10/20 14:25

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Looking forward to it! Any reference code would help a bunch.
To sum up the stuff I want to eventually be able to do:
1) Read items from a grid
2) Insert new items into a grid
3) Update existing items in a grid
I'm not going to attempt to do more esoteric stuff like creating or modifying fields, although that would be cool to allow for automatic setup of external tools (like a synchronization tool that requires extra fields to keep track of if it has synced an item for instance). I'm fine with just having some setup instructions to go along with whatever I create.
Anyway do you think there will be any issues with the 3 objectives I have for now?


2012/10/22 22:20

In reply to by Airways

Here is what you can do right now...
  1. Read items from a grid: No problem. Simply open the query with the same name as your grid
  2. Insert new items into a grid: Remember grids don't "contain" items. They show items. So simply set the proper field value and the item will now be shown. To set field values, you need to manipulate / add values in the tables which hold the 4 basic field types: yes/no, dates, numbers and text
  3. Same as item 2 above