Submitted by jimspoon on 2012/10/26 14:38
I have IQ running both on desktop and laptop.  I have the same database loaded in both desktop IQ and laptop IQ - the database resides on the laptop.  So on the desktop, I am accessing the laptop database over my LAN.
I have been testing this out - when I enter a new item in a grid on the desktop, I can refresh the grid on the laptop, and then see the same item in IQ running on the laptop.
However - my practice has been to put the desktop to sleep when I am not using it for an extended time.   After waking up the desktop, I tried again to enter new items into the database.  This time, however, the new items did NOT make it over to the database residing on the laptop.  And, what is worse, IQ on the desktop doesn't give me any indication that the items are not making it into the laptop database.  Only when I shut down and restarted IQ on the desktop was I once again able to enter items on the desktop and have them actually get into the laptop database.  
Explanation?  Advice?  Workarounds?


Probably not what you want to hear: I gave up using sleep and hibernate a few years ago due to various problems after 'wake-up' both with the OS itself, and with other software. I had one XP machine where both worked perfectly for years, but with my next XP and then Win 7 - neither worked well. I cant remember the exact details now, but unfortunately the only solution I found was avoiding both.
I have little experience with networked machines - are other aspects working okay? (Googling 'windows 7 network problems after sleep' gets me 30 million results, presumably something similar for earlier OS's).
I'm not trying to say IQ has no responsibility here - especially, as you say: "what is worse, IQ on the desktop doesn't give me any indication that the items are not making it into the laptop database".


2012/10/26 20:02

In reply to by Tom

 i tried refreshing the grid - got an error message.
Tried opening the laptop file again - got a message, it's already open.
Then I closed the file, and reopened it - that works.
But I've got to remember to do that after waking up the desktop - otherwise any data I enter on the desktop will be lost.


2012/10/27 14:54

In reply to by Tom

I'll check to see if the issue is with IQ or the network connection. Most likely, it is IQ's fault... Either way, IQ must warn users to ensure no data is lost !!!


2012/10/27 15:49

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 thanks Pierre.  I'm happy to help out if I can.  

Have you considered using drop box as a workaround?


2012/10/27 14:59

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

 Yes, but I find it hard to trust Dropbox.  I think it would end up with multiple copies of the database in the dropbox ... "desktop's conflicted copy" and "laptop's conflicted copy".  Once that happens, you'd have to find the differences and fix it manually.
This is why I'd like to see a syncing mechanism like we have on Ecco Pro.  Maybe the "changes" file could even be stored in the cloud, in google docs or something like that.


2012/10/27 15:59

In reply to by jimspoon

I know why you want to see a sync mechanism. I was simply offering a work around for the time being.
If I were using drop box the way I am suggesting I would load my entire dB from dropbox thus avoiding any conflicting copies which is caused by not closing & opening in order (a PITA)
Hope you find a solution that works for you.