Version 0.9.26Pre-Rel11 is now available !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2013/07/04 11:25
Version 0.9.26Pre-Rel11 is now available !
  1. Modified: Add New Item: Some simplification to the UI
  2. Fixed: Add New Item: Clipping web pages to html format did not capture images
  3. Fixed: All day / untimed events
  4. Fixed: Auto edit bug?
  5. Fixed: date issues - Sorting & Format
  6. Fixed: Properties pane: Right-click > Set as main Parent is now disabled if parent is already the main parent
  7. New: Properties pane: Right-click > Remove All Other Parent Links. When an item has multiple parents, will remove all links except the selected parent
  8. Fixed: Lineage display (status bar) while browsing the "Find" special grid slow down operations to a crawl
  9. Change: Gantt: Easier bar move and linking: Press Shift to link bars
  10. Fixed: Gantt: Improved zoom scaling and positioning
  11. New: Commenting filters seems to work -- OUPS, no it doesn't
As mentioned here, focus for the coming weeks will be integration of a new calendar component. Only major bugs, if any, will be fixed.
Cheers !!


thanks Pierre!
neither version downloads here - I get:

.../ could not be saved, because an unknown error occurred.
Try saving to a different location.
or, at a different location:
...:\ could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.
Try again later, or contact the server administrator.


2013/07/04 17:57

In reply to by Tom

Strange, I was able to download it ... perhaps try again ?


2013/07/05 05:00

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Strange, I was able to download it ... perhaps try again ?[/quote]
yes, working today,

I like the new version ! Thanks.
Also, properties pane seems more reliable. I had some problems, but they're apparently gone. Nice.
The filter commenting works well, with a caveat : when the filter has 2 parts, one for TLI and the second for SLI (e.g.  filter1 | filter2 ), the comments need to be put after filter1.
Ideally, the comment should always be put at the end of the filter line. E.g.:
filter -- comment
filter 1 | filter 2 -- comment
Right now it's like : 
filter -- comment
filter 1 -- comment | filter 2 
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