Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/01/31 09:41
It appears to me if user clips / copies into new item dialog <win>+n & adds a date in the DueDate, that date does not appear in field propties
I added several items this way to appear in InBox but added a date in DueDate
I have a grid which filters for DueDate but the items didn't appear there so I went back & looked @ the items in the Inbox. There I checked Item properties & due date was not present.
This would explain why these items didn't show up in my DueDate Grid
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


I just tried it and it works : inserted a date in the add item window, opened a grid, put duedate as the source. Item appeared.
Check out your other filters.
- Alphanumeric filter bar
- Date filter bar.
- common filter in the source bar
Disable all of these and see.
(Pierre : the way the Alphanumeric filter bar and Date filter bar interact with the normal filter -- the one in the source bar -- is not easy to grasp... There's a hierarchy between filters which demands a fairely high level of abstract thinking, especially when what you're focussing on is not about understanding filters but just getting things done. Maybe the applied filters should be "graphed out"  in a window... so that  the user can see which filter does what and in what order... It's not easy to get and it's easy to loose plenty of time trying to filter effectively. For instance, using the date filter is so challenging to me -- and I consider myself a fairely advanced user --, especially when other filters are "on", that I almost never use it. This filtering stuff is, IMO, high priority since it's used all the time. Named filter would help, of course...)


2009/01/31 19:43

In reply to by Armando

Armando, thanks for responding.  You are right it was interaction with date filter.  Thanks.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1