A few gantt related bugs

Submitted by Armando on 2014/06/17 17:53
1- ctrl+ tab / ctrl+shit+tab for moving from one grid to the other  : conflicts with gantt display : tab switching stops when the Gantt is reached
2- Shortcut-keys don't work from within the Gantt
3- Applying a Color to an item in the grid when Gantt chart is displayed : doesn't do anything. One needs to refresh the grid to see the Color. Maybe are there other similar refresh issues (from grid to gantt). Related : #4,#5
4- Gantt doesn't refresh and show relevant data (duration bars) when items are expanded (and should show up in the Gantt)
5- Grid doesn't refresh well when working with Gantt : checked fields from the properties pane don't show up as checked in the grid, various autoassigns don't show up (e.g. : text automatically added to specific fields), etc.
6- Next Task ID : when deleted in properties pane : Gantt doesn't refresh, need to refresh grid. Maybe related to other previous #.
7a- Gantt/grid space proportion doesn't seem to adjust/scale well after a reopening of the grid -- i.e. proportion of shared space between grid and Gantt isn't recorded, one need to always reposition the gantt properly.
7b- Gantt histogram and overview proportions aren't saved either.
7c- Gantt overview can't be deactivated while the Gantt is active-- it always reappears even after it has been "deactivated". Overview needs to be deactivated, then the gantt closed + reopened.
8- "Gantt overview" and "histogram" reappear (but empty) in grids where Gantt is usually shows, even when Gantt  isn't displayed --  e.g. after gantt has been "closed" (not visible) and the grid refreshed
All that needs confirmation, of course.
There are a couple others, probably related, but I need to double check.


Thank you Armando. I use the gantt chart and noticed several of the bugs you mention. I was too overworked/lazy (choose one) to compile my list, but yours is more descriptive and concise.

Most of these Gantt related issues are now fixed in v0.9.26PreRel27
Thanks for reporting

Yes, most seem to be fixed. Thanks.
Those 2 are still there though:
> 7c- Gantt overview can't be deactivated while the Gantt is active-- it always reappears even after it has been "deactivated". Overview needs to be deactivated, then the gantt closed + reopened.
> 8- "Gantt overview" and "histogram" reappear (but empty) in grids where Gantt is usually shows, even when Gantt  isn't displayed --  e.g. after gantt has been "closed" (not visible) and the grid refreshed
... Gantt Overview still comes back even when gantt is deactivated.
Also :
histogram doesn't keep its position after a refresh.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz