[FIXED] Manuel Refresh Alters Grid Source Setting (smth to do with sorting on custom field?)

Submitted by lucasd on 2014/07/19 01:20
 Hi All,
I'm getting back into IQ after a very long hiatus, and I'm really enjoying it so far. However, here is one issue that keeps coming up, and I am wondering if others have seen this:
I have a grid, let's call it MyGrid, and the source for the grid is "MyGrid". However, upon doing a manual refresh, the source information switches to undefined, so that all items in the database appear in the grid. Then I have to manually reconfigure the grid info so that the source is only "MyGrid".
Does that explanation make sense? Is it a known issue? I haven't yet pinpointed exactly what the conditions are that lead to this happening, but I'll see what I can figure out.
EDIT: See comment below describing how to produce one instance of this behavior.


Hi Lucas,
Armando reported something similar lately:

"I noticed a while ago that there's a bug with the focus going into the source bar, even if it's hidden.... then, typing anything on the keyboard changes it. IQ will ask you if you want to change it though... just answer no/cancel, and nothing will happen."
I think I experienced something similar as well once but unfortunately didnt keep a record of it...


2014/07/19 11:48

In reply to by Tom

Hi Tom,
Thanks for that info. I wonder if there is a connection between the two behaviors. In my case, however, I have definitely encountered some situations in which the behavior occurs without typing anything --- only pressing F5. (In fact I think it has also happened as the result of automatic refresh, but I'm not totally sure.)

Okay, I think I've now isolated at least one instance of the bug. It involves use of the Sort Bar and a custom field. Steps to reproduce (maybe more complex than necessary, but it's what I've got so far):
1. Create a new database
2. Create a new grid --- let's call it MyGrid
3. Create 3 new items in MyGrid: Item1, Item2, Item3
4. Go to Tools | Field Properties, and create a new field called Field1, selecting the "Number" type of field. Save a close the Field Properties window.
5. Enter numerical values in the new "Field1" column for each of the newly created items (Item1, Item2, Item3).
6. Click on Grid | Show Sort Bar.
7. Drag the column "Field1" into the sort bar
8. Press F5 (Manuel Refresh).
9. Upon completing the above steps, on my system, the grid source setting has now been lost, so that all items in the database will now show up in MyGrid.
Can anyone else reproduce this?


2014/07/19 16:48

In reply to by lucasd

Hi Lucas,
Welcome back!
I was able to  reproduce the bug by adding one extra step after coming back from the field properties dialog : press up arrow a few times.
As Tom suggested, it seems linked to the bug I mentioned a while ago : the source can be inadvertently erased when the focus is on the hidden (or even shown) source bar. Strangely, sometimes the user is warned but... sometimes not.
So, what basically happened is that the source got "erased" manually when you came back from the  field management window :  1-the source bar was hidden but had the focus, 2- you probably pressed the up arrow  (frantically  ;-)) to move the focus in the grid from one item to the other and it invisibly changed/erased  the source. When you refreshed, you saw all the items in the DB. Oups.
This focus problem happens to me frequently, but I seem to be almost alone in that case -- probably something in my workflow I do differently than others (what's new!).**
My current workaround is to press ESC when I realize that the focus isn't in the grid -- this cancels whatever changes I might have inadvertently done to the grid source or filters. Then F9 to bring the focus back to the grid.
Of course, I'd vastly prefer if it was fixed... :) (Both in grids or panes).
[**EDIT : a few things I might be doing differently than other users (?) : use keyboard shortcuts all the time (to switch grids, to open the panes, etc.), use the properties panes a lot, use the source bar a lot, use the field properties dialog a lot; these seem to a fertile field for focus problems.]
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/07/19 19:46

In reply to by Armando

Hi Armando,

Thanks very much for your reply. Your explanation partly explains what I'm seeing, but the issue apparently goes a bit further. Here are my revised instructions for reproducing the bug without touching the arrow key:
1. Create a new database
2. Create a new grid --- let's call it MyGrid
2a (new). Click on Grid | Show Source Bar
3. Create 3 new items in MyGrid: Item1, Item2, Item3
4. Go to Tools | Field Properties, and create a new field called Field1, selecting the "Number" type of field. Save a close the Field Properties window.
Already, upon completing the above steps, the source information in the Source Bar has disappeared. After refreshing and reopening "Manage Grids", it's clear that the source info has been erased. No stray clicks are needed. What I notice is that from the beginning, following the steps above, the source information is *selected*, even without clicking on it, so that must be part of why its content gets inadvertantly erased.
CORRECTION: I retract my hypothesis about the issue being the fact that the grid source text is selected. Even if I deselect it, the problem still occurs.


2014/07/20 01:25

In reply to by lucasd

Hi Lucas, I tried your new steps (three times), and the source never disappears. A refresh still shows the content of the grid.
Not sure what I'm missing. It's probably the version I'm using as I'm currently testing a slightly different version, for another bug fix.
Tomorrow, I'll try with the current version, just in case.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/07/20 02:16

In reply to by Armando

Hi Armando,
Okay, thanks for checking this out. I should make one clarification, however. I am not saying that the content of the grid disappears. Rather, the grid switches to having no defined source, which means it will show all items in the database. For example, if you run the steps above but with the sample database instead of a blank database, it will result in the newly created grid showing all items in the database rather than just the items that were actually typed into the grid. That's what I mean by the grid losing it's source setting. (I think you understood it the same way, but I'm just clarifying for good measure.)
Also, just for clarification: I am running Ver. 0.9.26Pre-Rel28 

 I've fixed the issue of the grid source changing.
I'll issue a fix tomorrow.


2014/07/20 11:48

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thank you, Pierre! That's great news!