Newbie problem with Field Item and Checkbox for Done

Submitted by Gerard on 2014/07/23 06:44
Short introduction: I am a newbie. That is to say, I have been interested in IQ for about five years, tried it quite a few times, but the learning curve was just to steep for me. Also I was too occupied with work to be able to invest a lot of time in study. All the same, I could see that it is a very powerful piece of software.
Recently, somehow, It suddenly all fell into place. I could see what it is all about. Maybe because I had been playing around with Ecco, which I did not know before, but which is so similar.
It was probably not wise, but I started to move all my current work and projects to IQ. Not wise, because though I get the basics, all the advanced stuff is a bridge too far yet. Well-known problems, as I found out in the forum, such as disappearing items because of Source and View settings, manual sorting of items, and other stuff. Things I managed to tackle more or less on my own (with the help of the forum). More or less, because it is still a mystery to me why suddenly the View or Source changes (often after a manual refresh), or why in some Grids my items do not retain their manual sorting.
That's all fine when you are learning a piece of software, but it's making me quite nervous when doing real work. The effect is that I am cautious to try out new stuff.
Long introduction, now something practical, that is really annoying:
In most grids I have the Checkbox Field for Done as a column. Love it.
Yesterday I installed the latest version of IQ: 0.9.26 pre release 29
This morning I noticed the checkbox does not work properly as it did before. When I check the box off, the content of the item disappears and is replaced with a 0 or a 1, depending on the state of the checkbox.
It is probably very simple to fix -if it is not a bug-, but I have no clue where to look for the solution. Any suggestions?


Hi Gerard
that sounds like a display bug - I have seen it in exported html, but not in the grid I dont think.
- Have you tried to close and reopen the grid? or to restart IQ?
> still a mystery to me why suddenly the View or Source changes (often after a manual refresh)
^ this has (hopefully) been fixed in the latest version - if it recurs, do report it !
> it is still a mystery to me ... why in some Grids my items do not retain their manual sorting.
I hardly use manual sorting, maybe someone else here could comment (?)


2014/07/23 10:02

In reply to by Tom

Hi Gerard. Welcome back !
1- Definitely looks like a bug and an important one. I'm trying to reproduce it. If you can send a sample app, it would help and I'll issue a fix ASAP.
2- Yup, the gid source issue should now be fixed
3- Manual sorting of top level items is now possible (was not before). Just ensure that the items are not automatically sorted (either on the source bar or column sort). I need to show some visual feedback when automatic sort is ON, so users know that they cannot do manual sort


2014/07/23 10:21

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

1- OK, I was able to reproduce it. Will issue a fix ASAP. For now, do not use that checkbox (Grid Properties > Options > Show Done Check Mark). For a quick way to mark an item as done, use the CTRL+M shortcut key


2014/07/23 10:39

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Version 0.9.26PreRel29a is now online which fixes this issue.
As it can cause some data loss, all user should download it !


2014/07/23 12:21

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Wow, that was quick, Pierre! That definitely solved the problem.  Tom, also thanks for the advice. Really quick support.
I am glad the Source/Views problem and the manual sorting is also solved. A visual reminder to turn automatic sorting off is a good idea.
I have to say, this gives me quite a boost of confidence to further explore IQ's possibilities.
Cheers, Gerard


2014/07/23 12:43

In reply to by Gerard

>I have to say, this gives me quite a boost of confidence to further explore IQ's possibilities.
Please do and do not hesitate to post any questions / bugs as you go along.
Also, each new user is entitled to a free 30 minute phone call to help quick start you on using InfoQube. Do not hesitate to use this offer !