Missing cursor when editing items

Submitted by WayneK on 2014/06/05 20:04
When I click on a grid item to start editing, the cursor should appear in the item to mark where the editing will begin.  However, this only happens about 30% of the time.  Most of the time, no cursor appears.  The item is properly selected and I can start editing, but I don't know exactly where I'm at until the letters start appearing in the item.
I've tried over and over again to figure out why the cursor appears sometimes but not others.  I haven't been able to figure out a pattern or anything I'm doing differently to make it work one time and not the next. 
Win 7, 64 bit


I've heard only one other user with this issue. I really wonder what could it be.
It never happens to me in grids, but it does happen in the Add item dialog (ctrl+n / Win+n), sometimes.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/06/06 10:00

In reply to by Armando

Yup, that was me. For your reference the discussion is here.


2014/06/06 10:47

In reply to by Jon

Thanks for the link.  I did a search for "cursor"  but it brought up many unrelated threads.  Yes, this is the same issue except mine also occurs when I edit an existing item.


2014/06/11 10:21

In reply to by WayneK

By the way, I continue to have this problem. I cannot see the cursor when I click to edit an item. This happens frequently, but not all the time.

Users with this issue :
Does this issue occur on both installed and portable flavors of IQ ?


2014/06/12 16:24

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I switched to the portable version and it appears to have fixed the problem.


2014/06/16 16:15

In reply to by WayneK

Not here. I use the portable version exclusively. The issue is now constant. I have observed that if I have word wrap on then create a new item, the cursor is not visible until the item scrolls to the second line. I've been working for over an hour and it happens every time. I never noticed this before and for all I know it will be different when I restart IQ tomorrow.


2014/06/17 08:06

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Do you have many utility programs installed ? Perhaps you can try to uninstall some... Example of some similar issues found on the web:

Interesting, especially because I have a wireless configuration utility running. Although not the same program cited in the discussion, I disabled it. Unfortunately, the problem with the cursor (actually the discussion correctly pointed out that this is an insertion caret, not a cursor) remains. This is the only utility that loads on start. On the off chance that another program might interfere with IQ's caret display, I rebooted Windows and ran IQ as the lone program. Same thing.
My thought is that the problem is with IQ. I do not understand why I cannot see the caret when typing into a new item only for it to appear when the entry scrolls to the second line. If another program was interfering, wouldn't the caret never display?


2014/06/17 11:47

In reply to by Jon

I have the problem of cursor disappearance in the add-item dialog, in Windows XP, Windows 8 + Windows 8 SP1. In the HTML pane, it's a lesser evil though.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

Is this issue fixed in the last version ?
If not, those affected can contact me and we'll work on identifying the cause...


2014/06/19 13:01

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

So far it appears to work well.
Thank you.


2014/07/21 16:41

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

This issue just started occurring for me in one of my grids (but not in other grids in the same database). This started happening in Pre-Release 28, and it's still happening now that I've updated to Pre-Release 29. 
If I start typing where the cursor should be, typing occurs as expected. But there is no cursor visible. (This is in the "Item" column.)


2014/07/21 16:49

In reply to by lucasd

What OS ?
It is only happening in certain grids ? Even on a restart ?
If this is true, this is an interesting cue. Can you send your file ?


2014/07/21 19:16

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

This is on Windows 8.1 Pro. 
Fortunately (or unfortunately, from a testing perspective), the cursor is now visible again on the grid in question. Earlier, it had continued to disappear even after restarting IQ, but I had not yet tried restarting the computer.  (And yes, it was only happening on one grid.)
If I get to the point where it starts happening again even after restart, I will send the file.


2014/07/21 19:26

In reply to by lucasd

Actually I have a backup of an earlier version of the file where the cursor issue still happens. I will send it in a moment.


2014/07/21 20:17

In reply to by lucasd

I'll try on a couple of machines to see if I can reproduce it.
All editing methods do the same ?
  1. Click on the text
  2. Press F2
  3. Edit > Edit


2014/07/21 20:35

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Yes, on my machine, all the editing methods you mention lead to the same result (no cursor), although the background color changes as expected and editing is still possible (if one just keeps track mentally of where the cursor should be). 
Actually, in trying number 3 above, I discovered the popup editor option, which I had been unaware of. The popup editor works normally and the cursor does indeed appear.


2014/07/21 21:24

In reply to by lucasd

Good news !
I was able to reproduce the issue !!
It seems it is a font issue. The problematic grid uses the font Arial Unicode MS / 9.75 and on one machine (Win 7), this font was not installed and the issue was observed.
Try removing the font attribute (Grid > Properties > Other ). Close the grid and re-open
(oups... that parameter requires a grid close... I'll fix that !)


2014/07/21 21:37

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Great! Thas was fast! I can confirm that removing the font attribute solves the problem.
I am now noticing that the font attribute gets changed through use of "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out". I never had manually changed the font attribute, but I had used the zoom function, so that's why this particular grid had ended up with the 9.75 font size, and hence the cursor issue.


2014/07/21 21:46

In reply to by lucasd

I'm partly guilty too because that font comes from the default program settings. I've changed this to the stock Arial.
The grid supplier was notified of this issue.
(BTW, it isn't font size which is the issue, so much as the font face)

(My apology for previously mistakenly posting this in the "delete not working thread".)
I'm using the latest portable version, which I just downloaded today.  Re-booting InfoQube didn't help.  Re-booting the computer resolved it briefly but it returned after two or three minutes of editing.   I've done some experimenting.  Results follow.
Sometimes it works correctly:  I select an item and it places the cursor in the text in one step.  This occurs less than 10% of the time.
Case #1 (works in two steps)
1a) If I click on the first column, or to the left of the first word of the item text, the whole item is highlighted in blue.  This tells me that item has been properly selected. 
1b) It then takes a second click to place the cursor in the text for editing. 
1c) When step 1b is completed, the item highlight turns white with a blue border around the edges, and the cursor is blinking inside the body of text.
This procedure seems to work reliably but it makes the process two steps when it should be one.
Case #2 (works in two steps)
2) If I instead click farther to the right in the body of the item text, sometimes the item is highlighted in blue, and I can proceed to click a second time to place the cursor in the text, just like in step 1b above.  Any time the item turns to blue highlight, I know the cursor is going to work on the second click.
Case #3 (doesn't work)
3a) Often, however, when I click in the text body, instead of highlighting the item in blue, it leaves the item white and adds a blue border around it, as in step 1c above, 
3b) When this happens, the cursor will not appear on the second click.  I can start editing the text but I don't know where the cursor is until the letters start appearing. I can unfreeze iit by clicking on the first column to highlight the whole item, or be entering F2, as Pierre suggested before.
It appears that the work around for now is to select an item by clicking on the first column, then place the cursor with the second click.  I'm not sure this is a permanent fix but it's working right now.  It's not ideal because it requires two steps instead of one.


2014/07/26 13:28

In reply to by WayneK

>When this happens, the cursor will not appear on the second click.  I can start editing the text but I don't know where the cursor is until the letters start appearing.
And what is the grid font ? (Tools > Manage grids > Options > Default Font)


2014/07/26 14:55

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Arial Unicode MS


2014/07/27 15:42

In reply to by WayneK

 This is the cause. Please read this thread for details


2014/07/27 17:21

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I'm sorry for missing the previous posts on this issue. 
I can't find Grid>Properties>Other.  I see Grid>Properties>Options.  Is that what you mean?  And what does "remove font attribute" mean? 
I changed the default to Arial Regular but it did not fix the problem.  I closed / reopened the grid and also restarted InfoQube.  It didn't help.
I must be in the wrong place.


2014/07/27 18:04

In reply to by WayneK

I'm sorry for missing the previous posts on this issue. 
I can't find Grid>Properties>Other.  I see Grid>Properties>Options.  Is that what you mean?  And what does "remove font attribute" mean? 
I changed the default to Arial Regular but it did not fix the problem.  I closed / reopened the grid and also restarted InfoQube.  It didn't help.
I must be in the wrong place.
Hi Wayne,
Just try to delete the font name from there  Grid>Properties>Options>Default font. (Yes, I think that's what Pierre meant)
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/07/27 18:48

In reply to by Armando

Thanks, Armando. That actually made the problem worse for me. Now my "two-step" solution outlined above doesn't work either. I open/closed the grid and also closed/re-opened InfoQube.


2014/07/27 20:58

In reply to by WayneK

Make sure that the Tools > Options > General > Grid > Default font is not set to Arial Unicode MS, as it is this font which has an issue


2014/07/27 21:28

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I'm getting confused because the described paths don't exist in my menus.  I noted the discrepancy of the previous description above.
There is no path Tools>Options>General>Grid.  I went to Tools>Options>Program Settings>Grids.  First I tried changing the default font to Arial.  That didn't work.
Then I tried just deleting the default.  That replaced font name with "abc".  That didn't work either.  In both cases I closed / re-opened the grid and also re-booted InfoQube. 
In most cases the cursor doesn't appear at all.  Sometimes it flickers on for one second before disappearing. 
I also tried changing the properties pane default font, just in case.  Didn't help.


2014/07/27 22:59

In reply to by WayneK

Sorry about the menu path error.
Please try this:
  1. With you grid open, do Tools > Manage Grids. Focus wlll be on the current grid. In the Options section, delete the Default Font entry. Click Save
  2. Close and re-open the grid
  3. In Tools > Options > Program Settings > Grids > Grid font, Choose Arial. In Grid font size, Choose 9
  4. Click Apply. The grid font should automatically change (no need to close and re-open the grid)
  5. Click on OK to dismiss the dialog
  6. Ensure that the missing cursor issue is fixed


2014/07/28 06:44

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Those are all steps I  already did, except changing the font size.  I went through all the steps again.  Still doesn't work.


2014/07/27 22:59

In reply to by WayneK

I don't have this cursor problem in grids -- only in the add item dialog (ctr+n), from time to time
I've set my font definition to Corbel in :
Tools->Options->Grids->Grid Font
Tools->Options->Grids->Properties pane Font
Grid->Properties->Options->Default Font
If using a font that's installed on your system doesn't solve the problem, well... then maybe the problem isn't 100% related to the font choice.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/07/28 06:49

In reply to by Armando

Just to be thorough, I tried your settings.  That didn't do it, either.


2014/07/28 14:01

In reply to by WayneK

Just to be thorough, I tried your settings.  That didn't do it, either.
Then it's probably not just a font issue.
Since I'm not experiencing the problem myself, I'm not sure what should be tried next.
I do have cursor disappearance problem in the add item dialog as I said earlier. This has always been. 
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/07/28 17:43

In reply to by Armando

I'll just live with it.  It's not a big deal.  The severity of the problem comes and goes.  My "two-step" solution outlined above is back to working.
Win 7, 64 bit
Cyberpower Model 1, C Series (2011)
27" Samsung S27A350H, 24" ASUS VW242H


2014/07/27 23:16

In reply to by WayneK

Hi Wayne,
Regarding the issue of requiring more than one click to start editing, this fixed in v0.9.26PreRel30.
(I found that clicking on the lower half of the item did not start editing)

I had the same problem. It's working now, with one small glitch: - When editing an item, clicking in another field on the same row, there's no problem, the cursor is there where it should be. - But when editing an item and then click in a field in another row, the cursor disappears. Again, clicking on another field on the same row brings back the cursor. The problem seems to be 'vertical'.