Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2014/08/01 13:57
Hi IQ Users !
Years and years ago, I bought a book on Lotus Agenda. It was probably a couple years before my Ecco Pro years... I guess that says it all !
I looked at it a couple of times, but never "really" studied it, but it survived my many attempts to get rid of unused stuff.
I never owned a license of Agenda, but as it is now public domain (download link here), I installed it on an XP machine.
Apart from a antique DOS UI, and as with Ecco Pro and InfoQube, it is build on the following 3 principles :
  1. Information is stored in items
  2. Items can be assigned user-defined field values (categories in Agenda)
  3. Views show a sub-set of all items in the database. Users can customize / create views. Views can have a few columns which show field values
In my spare time (!), I plan to play with it, read about it, and add some of its features to InfoQube.
If there are Agenda users out there, please feel free to share with us what Agenda killer features you'd like to see implemented in InfoQube.
Cheers !!!


I was an Agenda user and sadly (then gladly) moved over to Ecco > then in the PIM wilderness (trying a variety) of products until I came upon Ultra Recall, InfoQube & Zoot (yet again).