Submitted by KeithB on 2009/02/05 20:47
I grabbed all the current pages of the user manual, and put them into an IQbase for my purposes. I'm attaching it here, others might be interested.  It was done quickly with the web capture (which is REALLY nice, by the way).  Also I tried to make a new blog post for this, but couldn't figure out how to make an additional one.
I'm using it to ascertain the obvious gaps  in the material, as well as check if I missed any comments.  (Is anyone else overwhelmed at times with all the postings/comments on this site?).
I set it up in a nice hierarchical structure, which may be instructive to beginners, also.
It sure is nice having an "offline" manual here; this will be a taste of what the "finished" version will be like.


thanks Keith
that will make it much easier to see any gaps as you say, and to browse it quickly
[edit] I guess this would be the logical way to present the manual eventually (or as MHT, but as an IQ file at any rate)
there'd be a good bit of work recreating links and a problem keeping synched with documentation here
(dreams of online synch a la Mantis)