Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2014/09/02 07:16
 Doesn't seem to be working here. Nothing happens.


 Doesn't seem to be working here. Nothing happens.
Do you have costom shortcuts Jan?
If not,
you could try reverting to default shortcuts and see if it works then
Tools >Keyboard shortcuts >Customise etc

As Tom said.
You could also have a look at your custom shortcuts. And backup them (save them under another name).
If things go "bad", you can always reload them. (Tools->Keyboard shortcuts etc.)
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

I was wondering what it is that Ctrl + Shift + D is supposed to do.  Looked in the documentation, couldn't find anything.  Tried it out in IQ, and a dialog box pops up to look up a term at  The box where you enter a term to look up is empty - you have to fill it in.  Why not just go to a web browser and search te term instead?  I might be missing something.


2014/09/06 00:54

In reply to by jimspoon

I don't think that it's supposed to do anything. In my previous answer, I just supposed Jan had this as custom shortcut.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/09/06 03:39

In reply to by jimspoon

I wasn't familiar with it either, but had a look here:
menu: Tools >Keyboard Shortcuts >View all...

and found these:
1337    Ctrl+Shift+G    Search Engine 1
1338    Ctrl+Shift+W    Search Engine 2
1341    Ctrl+Shift+D    Search Engine 3

so I guess the advantage is being able to select the search engine.

(I saved that shortcut list to a spreadsheet for (possible) future use.)

Does <CTRL><SHFT>+L work for anyone?
W8.1,  Res 2048 x 452, 125%


2014/09/06 14:55

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Does <CTRL><SHFT>+L work for anyone?
W8.1,  Res 2048 x 452, 125%
what should that one do?


2014/09/06 16:26

In reply to by Tom

CTRL+D inserts the current date.
SHIFT+CTRL+L toggles between short and long date formats
(not sure why this shortcut was created though, as it is a bit "esoteric" !)


2014/09/06 17:17

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

That's actually a nice one to learn - and it works here FWIW
Before: 2014-09-06    (system default date)
After: 06 September 2014


2014/09/06 19:42

In reply to by Tom

Hmmmm. Tom tell me how you tested this. I can't seem to get it to work here. Maybe I have a sticky keyboard......
Is there a shortcut for inserting the time only?
W8.1,  Res 2048 x 452, 125%


2014/09/07 14:23

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Hi Jan
Pierre gives the shortcut above for inserting date (I think it's Ctrl+D)
  1. I tried Ctrl+D in a cell in edit-mode: it inserted the system default, 2014-etc.
  2. Then pressed the shortcut for changing it: Ctrl+Shift+L (not sure if cell was still in edit mode), and
  3. tried step one again - result was now the long date
Win8.1 x64 installed IQ pre-rel32


2014/09/08 19:01

In reply to by Tom

Thanks Tom. So far I can't get the <CTRL><SHFT>+L working but I'll keep trying. (Nothing happens)
W8.1,  Res 2048 x 452, 125%


2014/09/09 03:18

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Did you ever do this:
[quote=Tom][quote=jan_rifkinson]Doesn't seem to be working here. Nothing happens.
Do you have custom shortcuts Jan?
If not,
you could try reverting to default shortcuts and see if it works then
Tools >Keyboard shortcuts >Customise etc
or the other suggestion to 'print' (to text file) all your shortcuts and check if it's listed?

In Tools > Internet Search  you have the possibility to send a search string to 4 pages.
The 4 pages are defined in Tools > Options > General > Other
The default pages are Google, Wikipedia and an online dictionary