Sorry to come back again with this! And sorry to bother you with that after your hard drive crash, Pierre... but it's becoming very difficult for me to work :
IQ, even if the greatest PIM in the world, really slows me down these days.
IQ, even if the greatest PIM in the world, really slows me down these days.
Quite possible that users not using equations/autoassigns/conditional formatting don't experience those performance problem.
I don't know if the way equations/auto-assigns are managed has changed in the last few months (?), or if it's related to the new grid "refreshing" routines/events, but each time some change is made to an item -- and especially if there are some equations/auto-assigns involved, it's really, really slow. And by slow, I mean... s-l-o-w.
5-8s waiting here and there disrupts my thinking process. I could post a screen capture if necessary.
I tried working with only one grid, but it's not practical and the difference isn't that great. I'm not trying to send a spaceship to Mars here, I'm just marking items as done, adding dates through auto-assign equations and stuff like that!

Anybody else experiences slowness in specific tasks ? Descriptions could help isolating the problem(s).
Tests would have to be made with a relatively large DB (to be somewhat realistic...), a few open grids, fields with auto-assign equations + row/column equations, and conditional formatting.
I'd like to give more details, but I'm in the middle of moving + writing a thesis, so it makes it real hard. (Note that there are various threads in the forum where I detailed performance problems regarding auto assigns/equations)
Thanks all.