Keying issues – possibly connected with the use of AZERTY keyboard?

Submitted by gregory on 2015/02/15 01:15
There are a number of issues in InfoQube which may be associated with the use of AZERTY keyboards (used in most French-speaking countries, and to be contrasted with QWERTY keyboards, as used in the US and in the UK). I am sorry that I have not previously documented these (and I cannot currently remember them all, sorry!). Among these issues are the following:
  1. When entering text, holding down the shift key in order to type a sequence of upper-case letters, the first character typed is capitalised but the second and subsequent are in the lower-case equivalent of the key. Thus if wishing to type AERO, what is displayed and stored is Aero. The workaround is to release the shift key on the second character typed, and then to hold it down again. The second and subsequent characters are then in upper-case.
I may need to add to this list.


I configured Windows to use an AZERTY keyboard and did not observe what you described. Can other confirm / infirm this ?


2015/02/24 11:44

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I have carried out experiments in which I have moved an IQbase between two different computers, and the behaviour that I describe is visible when editing items and fields within grids on both computers. The phenomenon only occurs if the shift key is pressed down when starting a new item; it does not occur if I edit text at the end of an existing item.

I have on very rare occasions observed a phenomenon in which as I key items it seems that the keyboard has reverted to a vanilla character set, similar to the standard US keyboard – in other words, when I type AZERTY, the computer records QWERTY. I cannot reproduce this phenomenon.

Both the computers to which I refer are running 64-bit Windows 7 on which I use Microsoft Office 2013, using Office 365 (cloud-based software) licensed in French and normally run with English-language options set. The behaviour I describe appears only to occur within InfoQube.
Mark GREGORY, Redon, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2015/02/24 11:55

In reply to by gregory

Still can't reproduce it...
If you press F2 before you start typing, it is working correctly is it not ?


2015/02/24 14:22

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Yes... What's the difference?
Mark GREGORY, Redon, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2015/03/03 05:45

In reply to by gregory

In the midst of an intensive data entry session in InfoQube, I suddenly find that the keyboard is stuck in vanilla US mode. I have no idea why or how, I simply report the phenomenon...
Mark GREGORY, Redon, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2015/03/16 07:41

In reply to by gregory

And again. This time, using the Omnibox. Initially the characters are as I would expect as I type on my Azerty keyboard; then suddenly I'm getting the QWERTY symbols. Annoying and confidence-sapping!
Mark GREGORY, Redon, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2015/03/16 14:57

In reply to by gregory

I've sent you a private build with hopefully a fix for this issue.
Please report back when you've tested it.
Thanks for reporting !


2015/03/27 16:21

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks Pierre. At the moment, I am encountering no problems. It looks as though the fixes you have made may have solved the problem; at any rate, they are certainly reduced.
Almost trouble-free at the moment. Bizarrely, this evening, I had a recurrence of the reversion to US keyboard – but this time, in the Visual Basic editor… Problem solved by closing and reopening InfoQube.
Mark GREGORY, Redon, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2015/03/27 21:03

In reply to by gregory

Still strange... by any chance do you have more than 1 keyboard installed (see your control panel)
I suspect that you inadvertently press the hot key to toggle keyboards...


2015/03/28 01:47

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Maybe, but I doubt it. Changes you have made recently have much reduced the occurrence of this problem. I have French, UK English and US English keyboards installed. However, there are no hotkeys associated with these keyboard settings – or I cannot find them. Instead, to change keyboard I have to click on an icon in the system tray – which is bottom right of screen, an area which almost never has focus. Furthermore, I do only a tiny proportion of my keying in InfoQube and it is only in InfoQube that I encounter problems. I use the French keyboard effectively 100% of the time; I set up the other keyboards to aid keying for friends who are more used to non-AZERTY keyboards.
Mark GREGORY, Redon, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2015/03/28 09:58

In reply to by gregory

Trust me, it is all too easy to switch keyboard. (Ctrl+Shift here). The language indicator changes on the taskbar and it is application specific (i.e. will switch as you switch app)


2015/03/28 16:34

In reply to by gregory

I'm on Windows 8 atm - here the hotkeys are under:
Control Panel >All control panel items >Language >Advanced settings [panel on left]
> Switching input methods

I had to disable them very quickly because I was triggering them unintentionally - so cant even remember what they were at this stage...


2015/03/28 19:14

In reply to by Tom


I'm on Windows 8 atm - here the hotkeys are under:
Control Panel >All control panel items >Language >Advanced settings [panel on left]
> Switching input methods

I had to disable them very quickly because I was triggering them unintentionally - so cant even remember what they were at this stage...
Same here. This is one of the first thing I do on any windows : disable switching input methods hotkeys !
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2015/03/29 16:07

In reply to by Armando

Thank you Pierre, Tom and Armando for your suggestions. I was not aware that you could set a hotkey to change keyboard layout! Following your advice, I have discovered that the key combination which changes keyboard layout here is ALT+SHIFT. Now that you have sensitised me to the possibility that it is me that is making a mistake all along, next time I have a recurrence of this phenomenon, I will check to see what keyboard layout is showing in the system tray. Currently, as you will see below, it is definitely FR for French!
Mark GREGORY, Redon, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2015/05/19 02:55

In reply to by gregory

We can safely regard this issue as resolved. I have had one occurrence in two months, and on that occasion the keyboard had distinctly moved into a QWERTY mode, as indicated in the system tray. (That is a long-winded way of saying I that I must have used a key combination which moved it to that state!). There have been no occurrences related to InfoQube use, and therefore I regard the issue as resolved. Many thanks to Pierre, Tom and Armando.
Mark GREGORY, Redon, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6


2015/05/19 09:16

In reply to by gregory

Great to know.
I call this teamwork !
Together, we'll create the best information manager on earth ! lol