[Error message] HTML pane content deleted

Submitted by Tom on 2015/04/17 15:39
as reported here:
when I open/close the sample file - without making any changes - I get this message:

seems consistently reproducible
I got this error again this evening when working with a modified sample file - I'm not sure what prompted it,
but as said in quote, it is reproducible simply by closing a newly created sample file.

win7 x64 // IQ portable 49a


Unless I misunderstood, I think the error is solved in the next version : www.sqlnotes.net/drupal5/index.php
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2015/04/17 17:11

In reply to by Armando

I'm pretty sure that was just to do with the grid list not being populated
but I guess Pierre can clarify


2015/04/17 18:41

In reply to by Tom

ooops... I think you're right.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz