problem copying text to MS Word 2010

Submitted by Armando on 2015/07/16 00:47
Problem copying text  to Ms Word (maybe other word processors?) : contains wrong characters and sometimes squares.
Note that some formatting is also lost (no highlighting).
Example :
- Select cell
- Ctrl+P : choose "selected items and columns..."
- any options wil probably do, but I chose "Use HTML style bullet...", Font : Arial
- Export to clipboard
- Pasting in Word will paste as :


Description de(s) (l')objet(s) ࠰roduire
[Pour projets de recherche : objectifs/sujets/questions/probl
s/mode/cadre thique/etc. de rech.Voir la section documentation (2-admn ou 3-Recherche, travaux prs -- au besoin), et reproduire lࠣe qui est dni ici, ou inversement]

The text should be (without the formatting) :

Description de(s) (l')objet(s) à produire
[ Pour projets de recherche : objectifs/sujets/question/problèmes/méthodes/cadre théorique/etc. de rech .Voir la section documentation (2-admn ou 3-Recherche, travaux précis -- au besoin), et reproduire là ce qui est défini ici, ou inversement]


OK Work around seems to first export to an HTML file, open the file in Word (and same to DOCX if necessary).



This is fixed in v0.9.26PreRel54.
Content is now UTF-8 encoded which pastes fine info MS Word


2015/07/16 23:00

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

This is fixed in v0.9.26PreRel54.
Content is now UTF-8 encoded which pastes fine info MS Word
Cool. The workaround (HTML export to file) was OK too, but it's obviously easier to be able to be able to simply copy/paste when necessary.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz